Posts by trevvie

    to connect to your PC you need to have a share configured and there are plenty of guides on how to do that so i will not go into any detail
    when in the home content folder press the menu button on the remote and select under groups "open NFS/SMB folder" (this should be the default selection once you press menu)
    this will then open a new box for you to enter you PC ip address and share information including any username or password etc note SMB for windows or NFS for Unix/Linux
    if you have entered the correct information the share name will be added to the bottom of the list click on it and you will see the content in that share

    Hopefully this post will not break any rules i just mealy want to clear up a few myths that people with Mag 250s are getting loads of free premium content as they dont

    the Mag 250 is as it is its pretty much a dumb box that comes with a few services like you tube a browser and you can pull media files form your network
    Middleware stalker is the software that is installed on a server that provides iptv services or portal is its commonly known how this links to other services i am not sure but this where all the hard work is done
    you can build your own server running middleware stalker its free but it runs on ubuntu so some linux experience would be needed
    the difference between getting a mag 250 yourself as to getting one form a provider with a subscription is that they will have entered the address of their middleware stalker server into the setting on the mag 250 and that is all there is no additional software or firmware installed there are no sites giving away free subscriptions (or that i know of) the difference is that you may get a better deal buying the sub and the STB together than buying the box then a sub
    remember there are legit sites out there selling subs to their own content and i don't condone anyone using lest legit sites