Posts by polytan

    Hi everybody (please in advance excuse my poor english)

    now open Multi-stalker and enjoy watching your favorite channels

    What does he mean by that?

    Multistaker is already open for me, I am already in the list of portals.

    When i set a portal by default by responding yes to the question, le plugin sent me back to the list of portals.

    So i went back to the main menu and choose live, after waiting i got "Unhandled exception" and then plugin freeze

    coud somedody help please ?

    Edit : I am reading all the post of this thread and i just found this post 101

    So finnaly it works greate ,when I add each portal separate via pc keyboard

    Like this :

    portal 0 http://localhost:8080/c?mac=00:00:00:00:00:00

    And it works greate Thanks again

    Best regards

    Edit 2 : after reading all the thread, i foud that i didn't install Serviceapp, So i installed it from the feed and i did what @cigousenn suggested : replace in the list of portal "/c/?" by "/c?". then i rebooted E2

    Now it is working

    Thanks to all for contributing to the thread.

    SPECIAL THANKS to @ziko for writing and sharing this great plugin and @cigousen for his advice