Posts by Tomek_PL

    1. As regards the skin, should I copy the "usr" folder downloaded from this website (with all underlying folders of the skin) to the "enigma2" folder indicated in the post above?

    2. As regards the picons, should I first delete the "picon" folder which already exists in the "enigma2" - and then upload there all five folders concerning picons (crypt, emu, picon, piconProv, piconSat and zzpicon)?

    I use WinSCP


    I am the new one here and I am very impressed with this skin. I have just started using the Vu+ Uno 4K SE with the CI+ module (VTi). Would you be so kind to let me know which is the relevant latest file with the CobaltFHD skin (PL version) which I could download for my Vu+ VTi. I understand that I can take the relevant picons from here:…

    Is there somewhere a tutorial on how to upload them in the right way on the satellite receiver?


    I am the new one here and I am very impressed with this skin. I have just started using the Vu+ Uno 4K SE with the CI+ module (VTi). Would you be so kind to let me know which is the relevant latest file with the CobaltFHD skin (PL version) and the relevant file with the picons (Hotbird 13E) which I could download for my Vu+ VTi. Is there somewhere a tutorial on how to upload them in the right way on the satellite receiver?