Posts by wuwu

    Hi Guys.

    I need help. I've ruined my software and I had to reinstall everything. Now my Oscam config doesn't work.

    I attached my config files. Could anyone please tell me where is the problem? It clears everything except for SkyDE and CANAL+

    I've lost my hope already. I'm begging... I almost cried last night. I'll be very grateful. Many thanks

    Hi Guys!

    Is there a way to assign new picon stored on my zgemma to a new channel from a tuner level? Is there a plugin that allows this? I'm tired of putting everything through e-channelizer. (It takes ages)

    I searched google but I couldn't find anything that works.

    Many thanks!

    Thank you very much for your answer. You're me hero! Your skins are the best on the market. I don't really want to start with a blank file since I have no clue how to design my own skin from scratch. I just wanted to tweak your's so it satisfies my needs. I just need to move mini tv screen. I also tried to change Timeline Pig so it slides out as a big rectangle that covers the "played" content on EPG. I couldn't find any reference on the internet. Eventually I gave up. I'll stick what I've got so far.

    I will play around with the current skin. I always keep back up files on my desktop just in case... :-)))

    Thank you very much for your prompt reply!


    Hi Kiddac!

    I finally found you!

    I love your skins. I managed to alter few of them. This is the latest one. (slyk-q-1080) I have 2 questions.

    1. How to move mini tv in full epg. I only managed to move the screen itself but not the black box underneath. I want to achieve mini tv touching the egg table. There is also semi transparent line on the right side of this mini tv. I can't get rid of it. I've ben trying for weeks.

    2. I want to get rid of channel name from infobar and move logo and progress bar to this area. I found the source (it says do not modify it). There's no way I can move channel logo to the left past this point.

    Many thanks
