Posts by Adr13n

    salut de rootat am gasit cea mai simpla metoda dar trebuie sa ai su pe adb shell ceea ce majoritatea tv-urilor o au .

    Descarcati arhiva atasata in memoria interna a tv-ului extrageti folderul mrw fara modificari ale numelui apoi dupq pc sau telefon executati urmatoarele comenzi :

    adb connect (ip-ul tv-ului):5555

    adb root

    adb remount

    adb shell sh /sdcard/mrw/

    Dupa executarea cu succes a comenzilor pe tv osa se deschida aplicatia SuperSu , la mesajul update su binary dati cancel . Tv-ul este rootat

    Daca vreti sa treceti la ultima versiune de SU , actualizati intai aplicatia la ultima versiune si qpoi puteti face update de su binary selectand optiunea normal

    Hello , i have mstar cv6a358(allview, same as tcl , nei ) android 8.0.0 sdk 26

    I have rooted it succesfully , i tried oscam latest release but the same problem with DVB API , first thing is that the apk it's not asking about root acces , i know that i've downloaded an old version of ostool for boxes and that one was asking about root permission but the webif server was started only once after restarted tv and after second restart was not start anymore (the server)