Posts by glasscr4ck

    there's absolutely nothing related to oscam in init.d, I literally opened every file and found nothing!

    I looked up the status of phpmyadmin to realize that php is not even installed to begin with, should I install Nginx?

    Now I terminated the VPS instance and made a new one, then I used the instructions from the sat supreme and now I'm back to square 1

    when I went into the init folder I found no oscam file...

    I'm over this installation, I will terminate this VPS and make one again, do you have a ink to install oscam but more simplified from the wiki? the wiki tells you about all options and I have no idea what to enable and disable

    My usage is pretty basic, I want a server to make cccam lines for receivers and newcamd for exchanging, maybe try cache in the process.

    and thank you for your help

    yes, oscam web interface

    OK, I made progress...

    I managed to edit the files from the webif, but I had to chmod the var folder which is like super risky but oh well 😂

    now it's connected to my receiver via cccam but no EMM activity is happening

    my source server I'm testing with is also cccam, is that why it's not working?

    the installation instructions made me put these files in /var/etc, these same files that need sudo access every time I need to edit them

    you know what, I'm open to dispose this instance completely, put up a new one and reinstall oscam

    I tried from the wiki but I did something that broke it, so I need more help

    I mean the softcam server, when I try to edit any file from the interface it says failed

    so I have to edit them from Linux itself via nano, I changed the chmod of the oscam.server and the others to 755...nothing


    I think this is why it also doesn't get active and use data from the readers

    Hi there,

    So I put up a new oscam server and for some reason, it doesn't let me edit the files from that normal?

    I'm using AWS, an EC2 instance running Debian Linux. I need to know where to put the server files and what permissions to use on them.


    It's ok, thank you for your time...I really appreciate it.

    I guess I'll just delete this instance and make another one with cccam until I figure it out

    in the livelog it says emms are disabled since no reader is using it.

    so far the cccam server is the only decoding source I have, the test servers I trust are not working today... I'll check tomorrow.

    Do I change the details for one of the devices to have the a cline?

    Progress happened...

    keep alive worked with the reader, it doesn't go off after 15 seconds anymore. However I also put it in the user to no effect.

    btw, I checked the cccam server and the line used by the oscam is connected but not active. Is there some "wiring" I have to do?

    new update:

    whenever I restart the server the reader (external cccam) shows connected status with the correct number of cards beneath it, and the user I put in the receiver shows online and goes green....

    only for 15 seconds, after that the reader shows unknown in the status and the user is connected but idle and in yellow

    I allowed all the security and firewall permissions I can ever put my hands on.

    oh and thank you so much for your patience.

    I've replaced the files, now there are proxies and sharing devices. Is there a way for these devices to read from an external cccam server?

    Here's the thing, I will use this server to generate cccam lines and during card exchange, it will be either clines or nlines, I tried exchanging using cache but it didn't work.

    Speaking of which can I use cache in my case? between this server and the cccam server? is os how?

    Thank you for your help :redface:


    I'm new to oscam, I put up a cccam server before which is still working but I think it's time to expand.

    anyway so far I started the oscam server successfully and added a client to test, the server is up and the client connects just fine.

    The problem is it has no data activity with the sources. I tried the cccam server I have and another oscam test server but no clicks.
