Posts by holajose

    Tu te trompe sur Neotion. J'ai une CI+ CAM de Neotion qui est venu avec une carte PC7 et elle marche tres bien avec les nouvelles chaines UHD et autres. Peut-etre qu'il te manque une mise a jour, ou alors t'as un modele qui predate Fransat. Je ne sais. Post des details/photos de ta cam? (bloque le numero de serie, etc).

    Screenshot de la mienne: pasted-from-clipboard.png

    Ma tele n'est meme pas Samsung mais LG, et ca marche sans problemes. La mienne est marqué CI+ 1.3.

    Bonjour Oui, c’est cette clé unique que je recherche pour déchiffrer les canaux UHD de FR2 et Fr3, ma clé pour les canaux tnt de Fransat avec le fournisseur 41950 ne fonctionne pas.

    Tu ne trouvera pas de clé unique dans un forum. Il faut l'extraire soi meme, mais personne veut donner les instructions de comment le faire.

    I use oscam-emu 11718-798 , and I don't know what to do to get EMMs working for this card.

    The truth is "oscam" is just terrible at Viaccess support. Most of the EMM decoding is hack'ish and mostly guesses. Until someone that properly understands Viaccess and willing to fix OSCAM, you will not be able to get EMMs working. The EMM you pasted is valid and doesn't need a F0 tag (the hash is implicit).

    The HEX dump gives me these EMMs below. You need to select issuer ID manually to enter them (that's your homework and it's not hard).

    EMM #1: CA F4 00 01 2C 91 08 F5 D2 9B 02 08 D0 63 36 9E 20 06 46 9B 5F C4 66 78 05 7D 05 8A D0 04 D7 35 85 55 5A D1 03 6A E2 7F F2 D8 1A 3C 57 8C 79 10 69

    EMM #2: CA 1C 01 01 2D 92 08 C0 2F 10 4C 04 C9 1B 15 81 17 B3 B7 C0 4D 7C 03 18 31 47 51 71 C3 C9 EC BC 16 84 57 C5 13 35 D0 A9 F0 10 0C B7 FC 3F AD 8D 13 99 79 14 36 70 62 36 60 50

    I use oscam-emu 11718-798 , and I don't know what to do to get EMMs working for this card.

    The truth is "oscam" is just terrible at Viaccess support. Most of the EMM decoding is hack'ish and mostly guesses. Until someone that properly understands Viaccess and willing to fix OSCAM, you will not be able to get EMMs working. The EMM you pasted is valid and doesn't need a F0 tag (the hash is implicit).

    hi all

    Linux version (bianyi22@JZ-server22) (gcc version 4.6.3 20120313 (STMicroelectronics/Linux Base 4.6.3-104) (GCC) ) #1 PREEMPT Wed Mar 14 17:57:12 CST 2018

    Hey, would you be able to mention (here or via PM) which receiver/STB you got this UART from?
