Posts by EdmundF

    jenseneverest I am not sure, so far I always used version 0.61-r3 but that one don't work in the MutantHD51 it even screwed up

    the box. ( VIX image )

    There was an err and I cannot download plugins anymore.

    On another box Mutant HD66 I have Pli image which came with version 1.3.3 which works fine, that is why I like to have that version.

    Maybe I can try the 2.1 version but I am hesitant I don't want to break my box again.

    Another problem with that Mutant box is it refuses toe load any image from USB, So I don't know how to fix

    it if it breaks...

    Anyway is the 2.1 version the latest? should I try that one?

    Can you tell me if and how I can install that on my Mutant HD51 box, I only used .ipk files