Posts by le0pard

    So not sure if my information is up to date here, using oscam hd channels clear after 30-40 seconds in HDMU i changed the satellite.xml file i have no problem with sd clearing.

    I this a tuner problem or oscam problem ?

    Hi even being looking threw a few threads but still cant seem to make sense of what images work on what.
    So im looking to get a vu solo ferrari box, the latest bootloader out for this is 2.0 from February right?
    So if i update to this can I load all images with kernal 3.1.1 or s there new images again that wont work?
    Basically what i want to understand is whats the latest
    openpli and bh images i can flash?

    I have googld and searched this but some answers are outdated and not sure where i stand,