Posts by damian65

    My oscam.log file is full of "skipping fake cw ... because of wrong checksum!" when configuring the use of "oscam.fakecws". Am I missing anything?

    I've just checked and the same thing is happening in my log. I think we are missing something but I cannot find what it is.

    Thank you very much for your help. As far as I understood, we need to tick "block fake cws" on Oscam Config WebInterface and just add the file to the config folder. Ain't it or am I missing any step?

    Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda. Por lo que entiendo (que no es mucho) tenemos que activar el bloqueo de fake cws en Oscam Config WebInterface y meter el archivo con las fakecws en la carpeta de config. ¿Así o hay que tocar algo más?