Posts by bobbyduke

    What i have been told its a driver tuner problem for the triple boxes, hence the image given hd channels clear perfect, when i took the cam out of the image and tried in a pk image i still have the same problem. Hopefully the fix can be written into all the images.

    Hello Mick, whats the ftp name and password for this image? thanks Bob

    # dvbapi configuration
    # types:
    # P - Priority
    # format:
    # P: <caid>:[<provider>]:[<srvid>]:[<ecmpid>]
    # I - Ignore
    # format:
    # I: <caid>:[<provider>]:[<srvid>]:[<ecmpid>]
    # M - Map
    # format:
    # M: <caid>:[<provider>]:[<srvid>]:[<ecmpid>] <target caid>:[<target provider>]
    # D - Delay
    # format:
    # D: <caid>:[<provider>]:[<srvid>]:[<ecmpid>] <delay (ms)>
    #p: 0500:023800 # prioritize 0500 with provider 023800
    #P: :::1BCD # prioritize ecm stream with pid 1BCD on any channel
    #P: 1722 # prioritize 1722
    #P: 1830::EF75 # prioritize 1830 on channel EF75 only
    #M: 1830 1830:003411 # map caid 1830 always to provider 003411
    #D: 1702 200 # wait 200ms before writing cw on caid 1702
    #I: :002000 # ignore provider 002000 on every channel
    #I: 0 # ignore every caid that was not handled before
    # These dvbapi settings works fine for CDS NL / BE, for other cards see oscam wiki on pli forum or oscam wiki on streamboard forum.

    I: 0100 #ignore all old seca providers
    I: 0500 #ignore viaccess
    I: 0622 #ignore old i*****
    M: 1817:00006A 0100:00006A #map NL nagracaid 1817:00006A to seca 0100:00006A
    M: 1818:00006C 0100:00006C #map BE nagracaid 1818:00006C to seca 0100:00006C
    P: 1817:00006A #Prio NL 1817
    P: 1818:00006C #Prio BE 1818

    Ok heres my oscam.dvapi im on uk tv any ideas if its wrong? would love some help thanks

    umm strange im using a Golden media triplex box, on the sparks side its instant all channels hd or sd, im using oscam there, tried the same oscam from spark on the enigma pk image and uk hd channels takes 30-40secs still, on the hdmu enigma2 the uk hd channels will not even clear. It must be enigma2 image problem i suspect if anyone can confirm. I use cccam on the dreambox 800hd and thats glitch free, as i understand cccam does not work on the golden media. Strange problem we have lol.

    Hello, whatever enigma2 image i use the *** uk hd channels takes 30-40 seconds to clear. I use oscam as a client all sd channels clear instant. Anyone got any ideas how to get the hd channels to clear quicker or is this an enigma2 fault? thanks Bob.