Posts by aro1

    Hello, i`m sorry, while too late late, but want to say Thanks again to KiddaC (hope the beer is arrived) and to @seagan for his great work, and tipps to make the plugin usebable.

    For @seagan i have two logfiles. One ist a crashlog after a green Screen because using the Key 9 while the plugin was running. The second logfile was starting and using xstreamity. I have a DM 920UHD with a nuke skin.

    Before i installed the Version 4,0 i often had a Black Hole, the Box must be restartet manually by switching off an on. Now (Version 4.02) it is working good for me. Thanks to all, for the great work. :smiling face with halo:

    Hi KiddaC,

    good evening from Germany.

    I use your Top-Plugin with my DM 920 UHD. Newnegma2-Image and Nuke Skin.

    There are two Problems, may be, you have the answers. Using the Version 4.01 everything is working fine, until after a few Minutes the Streams stops, and the preview windows gets black screen, and the box freezes. With the Version 4.00 also everything works fin, but the search-Button (Blue-Taste) is not possible, the Search-Keypanel did not appear and the Box freezes. Without using the blue-button everything works fine.

    Please excuse my english :weary face: