Posts by Barry Goodchild


    I use an up-to-date ATV image on an Octagon SF8008. I am looking for the following plugins:
    - one that will find and remove empty TV and radio channels- ie without any signal, and
    - another that distiguishes between encrypted and unencrypted channels.

    The removal of empty channels is the main priority.

    Many thanks. I downloaded the MyMetrixLite plugin and changed the weather location. All works now.

    A suggestion for the developers of the plugin: Would it be possible to name the city in the weather display?


    I tried OpenATV- no progress.

    I updated OpenVix- success.

    The signal may prove weak in rain. We will have to see. In addition, I might be able to make Open ATV work with more effort, but for the time being I am happy with OpenVix. The lesson is to download the most up-to-date versions of the operating system.

    Many thanks



    I need some help with the Octagon/ Openvix interface for multistream.

    I am trying to receive the multistream French channels at 5W with an 80/85 cm dish and an Octagon SF8008 receiver. I can receive all the multistream unencrypted channels at 5W, including the Italian channels, with the exception of those with the following technical criteria

    12732 V, DVB-S2, 8PSK, 29500, 8/9

    PLS Gold, 50416.

    The problem is that the Octagon/ Openvix interface will only allow the insertion of either 1 or 2 in the PLS number.

    There might be other reasons blocking reception. However, I want to eliminate the PLS number problem first. A blind scan does not recognise any channels at the relevant point.

    Does anyone know of a fix? Do other multistream receivers have similar limitations?

    Thank you for your help
