Posts by anis.ber

    There was a forum its administrator, the same developer of rqcs, rqcamd and apparently fslb, here there are some who come from there, but I think they are not convinced to talk about a dead topic...

    I remember those days, are you talking about forum db4na or something like that, I think that forum is down! I still remember some names updatelee, DSM was the one who was able to build image with north American specs (Epg, increase time out so it scans NA providers..)

    you took me back in the old days m8

    I'm sure they remember me, I was quite active, maybe you're one of them but you just don't wanna tell me lol

    I was hoping for some solution to major providers in NA, Dish, bell. Unfortunately no community forum dedicated to NA, chasing feeds and PV channels is OK but not optimal, whether we lie or or not, satellite in Europe is at a different level of Hobbie compared to NA

    Seems like dead and no forums talking about it

    Usually with bell it's rare to find people doing it even when it done years ago, Dish was seen more just because usa is bigger and more population than Canada. Anyway I guess I'll just give up since I don't see any community interested in cardsharing in north America.

    If someone thinks otherwise they can shoot me a pm

    One of the commentators said they still use the method, so I think people still share cards but it may be just between friends or extremely on the DL.

    Who is it? Any link? I'm sure it's super private if it's still happening, just wondering if they have forum or telegram page. Whomever has an idea can send me private message I know things like that are kept underground


    Its been long time since I looked into satellite in north America and enigma2

    Probably since 2010, I remember when enigma2 started, no enigma2 box could scan turbo-fec frequencies, we need to buy external dvb-s2 usb tuner called genpix Skywalker 1 and use it as vtuner. It's was not easy but doable, most of servers used for enigma2 were private, I'm not talking about iks using Chinese receivers that were almost all taken down by dish

    I was wondering if there is any enigma2 receivers that scan turbo-fec frequencies natively, any progress done in that aspect. I'm sure iks is gone but private may still be available but not sure that's why I'm asking!

    I hope it's not against rules. You can pm me as well

    Thank you