Posts by mark T

    Hi all, since the clocks went forward sunday I have had no Rytec*** EPG. I tried a manual download and that took about 30secs but when I open the channels there was no EPG. I tried the crossepg and it found 33.432 summaries and reading channels but still no EPG. Currently the EPG path is media/usb and after reading advice from Master G to sombody I changed the path to medis/cf. Did a new download but still nothing. If I do a sat-uk download I do get 12-15 epg's but thats all. I tried to restore the EPG but it said I had to have EPGs to be able to restore. I have rebooted the router, and the stb but still nothing. I am using BH 1.7.3 so any help would be gratefull. Thank you

    Yes, I made a nieve mistake and didnt realise what In was doing and now im paying the price for it. Apparently the web interface was kept open and the lines have been shared. This has now been stopped but the password has been changed and the provider can get access back to the stb. I am told that if I flash a new image then it will clear the password. I am using the image that the dealer put in 1.0.0 2010-06-05 black hole. I have read up on how to flash it and although im unsure on doing it im even more unsure as to what image to use. could you advise me please in fact all I want to do is reset the password the easiest way possibly. Could you please explain in simply terms. I thank you if you can

    I am using an old black hole and I cant find any of what you mention in my system/menu. Im a nubie at this so please explain a bit further. I was told that if I flash a new image then it will clear the password. I have read up on how to fladh and although im unsure how to do it im even more unsure on what image to use as there are so many. Could you please explain in simply terms.

    Some how my password has changed and I cant access the the vu. I have been told that I need to change the image. i have never done this before so I am not sure what image to use. I have downlaod ed how to do it but I dont know which image to use. Any help please

    Hi, how can I alter the clock on my stb. its running 7 min slow. Its set on London time and I cant find anything in the settings to alter it. It was fine until wed morning when I got up and the stb was on standby, I didnt put it on standby and when I turned it on the clock was wrong.

    I have done all the post says and still nothing. The epg download is over in seconds when normally it takes a minute or so. I have even reformatted and remounted the usb stick. Another thing, when the link says about a epg back up. Nowhere in my blackhole menue is a epg back up. I have looked everywhere. i am using a old version of blackhole, image release 1.0.0 2010-06-05. would that make a difference

    Hi all, why is it some days I have no epg on 28 and when I try to download the epg its done in a few seconds but I still have no epg. I have a vu+dou and using blackhole, downloading Rytec epg to a 8gb usb stick. My mate has the same set up but he has a 1tb hdd in his stb and he saves the epg to that. Would that make a difference. Its so frustrating not having a epg. Any help please. Thanks

    When I got up yesterday morning the receiver was on standby, strange as I had left it on the night before. When I turned it on i had no signal in the bar on 28. I moved it round to 19 and still no signal. I then sent it back to 28 and it went passed the sat. So i went to set up, red button tune, selected a frequency and fine tuned until I got a strong signal and picture. Scrolled down Green button and stored. When I changed satellite and came back to 28 the same thing happened. I have tried to store it but it wont. Any help as to why will be most gratefull

    I have gone through every page in the setup menu. I found plugins but there is no mention of the word crossepg anywhere in the menu's. Maybe the blackhole i have is that old but its working. I only want it to watch the sport; thank

    Exellent and thank you again. I used common sense and changed the benl to uk and downloaded. It worked. One more thing. People have said i using a very old Blackhole, image release 1.0.0 2010-06-05. i mentioned this to the dealer when I sent him the receiver back. But he said if its not broke dont fix it, I agree with this sometimes but do I need to update to a new image and if so how do I do it. Remember im nervous about changing settings. Thanks again

    Hi all, I have been using sat receivers for over 20yrs and the last I had was a Nannox. This VU-DOU using Blackhole is so different. Anyway, I have no EPG;s on 28. All other sats have EPG's and are working well. I am using Rytec and on Tuesday evening the EPG's started to vanish. By Wednesday all had gone. I have now fitted a 8gb usb stick in the back and I have directed the EPG's to usb not hdd but still no EPG's. If I scroll down the list and I do a S-yuk channnel list download the screen goes green and it crashes. If I then try a download nothing happens. Back to Rytec, if I do a EPG download it takes a few minutes as normal then says epg download complete but there is no EPG on any channel on 28. I dont really touch the settings as when I do things go wrong. The last time I altered settings I ended up sending the received back to the dealer to be reset/reflashed. So I am very nervous about altering things. Any help would be very gratefull and thank you in advance