Posts by philrum

    I had set up duo when I 1st got the box I set it to 1080i and worked well until I i used dbedit. Today went in and set it to 720 and 50hz, works great now, thought I was going to re flash. Not sure why this happened in 1st place, but hey it's working and thanks to all the help.


    Just got new Vu+duo today. Vix 3.0, build 455. All was going well setting it up. I installed bouquets with dbedit. When I restarting I see the vix image and all is fine, after about 15 secs the lines appear. Tried all display setting no effect. Any idea's. I didn't make a back up as I had't finished setting it up. Any help would be great. :beated:

    Lastnight I used Dbedit, I noticed that it also did not show up the picon. I moved the picon folder into usr/share/enigma2 and great it worked. Really pleased. I tried dbedit after this but still no picons in this. How do I go about making it work forn flash drive. I really appreciate the help with this. Thanks.

    Hi thanks for all the advice, the drive is mounted as usb /media and they are in a folder called picon. Still no picon show up. Apart from in the usb/media/picon folder is there any wherelse it needs to be, or do I have to go into setup and change anything as it's now doing my box in. !!

    Thanks for the info, I also notice, I have no picons showing. I ahve put them in the flash drive but they dont show up , ant idea's.