Posts by casawi

    Thanks cazuela,
    I wasn't thinking of using the payserver directly but rather use the "keys" given to my mate every 6 months. But I guess that probably wouldn't work as I found out on anaother thread (clines and Flines).
    As I don't have a lot of cash to spare (I'm a poor student :) ) , any idea how much the cheapest subscription card would be and will other card sharers be prepared to share with you given you only have an MTV card for example?
    as for the box, I will check as per your suggestion.

    BTW, All I'm actually only interested in watching footy (Champions league, premiere league, and Spanish league).

    Again thanks for your help.


    Thanks rikjaard-real,
    I have a friend who bought a star track from this guy, he pays him £60 every six months. At the end of this period, after payment is made the guy sends him some keys to enter in his star track box.
    Can anyone with such a box use those keys? or the box won't be authenticated? i'm assuming this "guy" is running a server of some kind and keeps a list of all his clients!?


    How much are you asking for please?
    This will be something for me to have a play with, but it'll be nice if I could get it to work :)


    Good evening all,
    For a start, I hope my thread isn't in the wrong section if it then my apologies!
    I am a newy and would like to know (please) what card sharing is and how do I get it set up.
    I read the card sharing tutorial thread (…b-newbie-dummy-guide.html) but can't really say there's much for me to go on by.
    I would like to buy a cheap box to start with (in case I screw things up), I was told to get a dream box 500 as it is cheap and quite easy to set up!?

    Please help

    I already have a dish at home with dual LNB and I'm able to get free to air channels on hot bird and astra satellites but using an old technomate which was bought back in 2006.

    Thank you and I look forward to reading your replies.
    In the meantime I'm exploring the forum to see if there are already answers for my queries.
