Posts by tennents

    quick update on this same box went again so i opened it up again and on the sensor at the back off the 2 lights and the on off switch i heat up with a Soldering iron and resoldered them have,nt had a problem sense this fingers crossed

    thanks got it sorted it ended up haveing to move the dish up on chimney once i done that channels came straight on for the life of me i cant undestand as there was nothing in the dishs path blocking the siginal as neighbours to the left and right of me have dish up i use dishpointer and its allways right line of site so if any one has similar problems dont rule out having to move the dish higher as i did thanks lads and girls 4 all ur help

    right lads havein a slight problem im not getting anymore than 82% on *** using a dm500 i put my dm800 on to see if it was the box that was the problem and the siginal is the same if i move the dish left r right it goes straight off ive i lower the dish down or high dish up its still the same ive changed the lnb and its all new cable even changed the cable again to make sure still nothing only 82% the house on the right and left to me have dishes up theres nothing blocking the dish anyone have any ideas wat i can do next thanks lads

    master g used the flash erase image goin to put new image bck on 2 c if that helps was working all fine yesterday even wsent right up 2 the front of the box nothing let u no when i put new image on lol thans m8

    lads have a problem my dm500 wont let use the control ive done all the obvious things like put new batterys in ive changed the control flash new image it was all fine untill yesterday anyone no wat else it could:06: be thanks in advance lads

    my settings were always the same internet guide was allways off so it was diffo dyndns problem yesterday all fine again thanks lads

    wish i i had stored old version on pen drive could have put that bck on but dont think of things like that at times lol

    i definately dont have any virus in my pc it seems to be a problem with dydns ive loged into my account to seee if that has helped but still the same i took internet guide settings of dydns and its still the same

    anyone having any problems 2day with getting into sites dyndns is stop me from gettin into ebay and afew other sites cheeeers lads

    i dont no to much about streaming but im sure some one here will help u out in that i had to take the firewall of on there hubs for my bro to recieve cs but as for them not sending modem and router seperate there talking bull as i have it in and told them that i wouldent sign up unless i got both seperate they werent long giving me wat i wanted

    you should have asked for a seperate modem and router and sayed that the hub is unreliable at least is router packs in its easier to go buy new routher than havening to wait on them sending you a new super hub r wait on an engineer to come out to u well tahats wat i did and got both seperate lol