Posts by dbg

    I will try AutoBouquetsMaker today.

    I was just trying to establish that there is a currently a compatibility issue with AutoBouquets and Black Hole images before I gave up and moved on to try something else.

    Also, there may be other Black Hole users with the same issue?

    I've just seen a post on another forum where someone had exactly the same problem (as first post) with an earlier Black Hole image on a Vu+, so I'm assuming this is a problem with AutoBouquets and Black Hole images...............?

    So unless a Pli image is installed, there's no way to use AutoBouquets?

    I cant seem to find an up-to-date VM cvables.xml file either, so I can't scan manually. Can someone post or point in the right direction for a current VM xml file?



    I'm using the latest Black Hole image (released a couple of days ago ver. 302G).

    dvbsnoop was installed automatically by AutoBouquets - I can see dvbsnoop is found when AutoBouquets initialises.

    Is it a Blackhole image issue then?



    I have installed the enigma2-plugin-extensions-autobouquets-cable_20160919_all.ipk on a Vu+ Solo 4K.

    Selected an active cable channel, run AutoBouquets from box, selected NedID from list and started scanning.

    Box reports:

    read Service Description Table

    parse Service Description Table


    line 227: [[091:value too great for base (error token is ''091'')

    and reports the same error on each line (227 onwards).

    Anybody any ideas what's going wrong?

