Posts by angelz


    I want to make serveur ubunutu with myth (or tvheadend) with this card:

    TBS6984 DVB-S2 Quad Tuner PCIe Card

    anyone have already use this card ?

    witch config for server .?

    I want to re use an old pc with this config :

    motherboard : Asus P5G41T-M LX
    CPU : Pentium Dual-core CPU E5700 3.00Ghz
    Ram : 4 GIga
    Graphics : Geforce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2
    HG ssd 64 giga for system and hd sata 2 2Tera for recording

    and THE card : TBS6984 DVB-S2 Quad Tuner PCIe Card

    and maybe in the future also one TBS6991 DVB-S2 Dual Tuner Dual CI PCIe Card

    the goald is :

    a HPC Serveur for :

    1 - Media center livingroom
    2 - server backend for tv streaming (mythtv or tvheadends if someone have test :) ) 4 tuner to manage recording and difuse diferent chanel in same time
    3 - decodeur cccam oscam mgcamd
    4 - PVR

    I have 1 parabol with 2 head
    and i want to use something like this :

    Commutateur multiple Axing SPU 56-09

    for add in the future another parabol with 2 other head
    and the multiple output go to the server ubuntu

    if someone can help me to choose the good material

    thanks very a lot for help


    hello all,

    I'm a new kid on the satellites :) and I play a lot with dm800 hd.
    for the moment I am sharing with mgcamd on dream elite image and it works quite
    I receive the channel on xbmc satellites decrypted thanks al vu + add on but I would evolve :)

    the project is to install a linux server which would mythtv backend (and if the config hardware is enough HPC) which I would install 2 card (or a card with 2 tuner) DVB/S2 1 card DVD-T

    I would like some advice on the choice of material.

    I thought a WinTV-HVR-4400 DVB-S HD for1 tuver and 1 DVB-T:
    and 1 TeVii S471 DVB-S2 PCIe

    I chose a distribution server ubuntu 12.04 (I know better)

    but I do not see what the program used to perform the decryption (sharing) as the dreambox with mgcamd

    if someone could give me some info on how to proceed to use linux sharing mgcam

    thank you for your help and advice

    and a Happy New Year to all
