Posts by chris76

    I have issues with any image above 1.7 on blackhole or vix and i think its a kernel issue so im using a stable image using oscam to read 0963/096b both internal. I dont want to reflash as i like the image and it stable it 1.6.6 but the key map on the remote is driving me insane is there anyway of changing this via DCC as i can see nothing in the blue plugins or another options available in the image.

    Is this a clone or a original receiver ?

    The reason i ask is that there seems to be some kind of memory leak associated with some Vu+ Duo's running kernel 3.1.1 images ( does not matter which image only that there kernel 3.1.1 based ). Now Vu are fully aware and have had a one of the affected receivers in their possession but as of yet cant find the exact problem. for now there has been discovered a plugin that seems to help with these low memory issues so you can give that a try.

    I have been using the clearmem plugin for a while now and problem persists, the duo will still lock out with no externals connected and on FTA channels with no cams installed i have went full circle with problem ans it seems to be a kernel problem that is not reversible is there a patch available as yet?

    Regards Chris

    we haven't got a clue about your setup so there is no way we could help you.

    Could you tell us a little about how it is set up - what cams you got installed and working, how is your EPG configured?, what plugins have you installed? Do you have a swap? etc, etc... the more of a picture we have the better. Someone might have experienced the same thing with certain things installed or with it set up in a certain way....

    I have the box configured with no hdd and usb atm and no epg to try and elimate what is right and wrong. doing this has made little difference the only plugins i have installed is cccam info and ts panel that i have removed also after a clean flash and the problem persist.

    I will use the clearmem plugin now tx...

    Hi all

    Over the past couple of weeks i have been having issues with the duo completely locking no remote working and the picture freezing and sometimes the sounds will stay on but mostly it wont this will happen on non regular bases IE sometimes 2/3 times an hour sometime not for days its weird..

    So to date i have reflashed using BH images and and no joy, so then i have removed the hdd and usb that where properly mounted and still the same problems but my major problem is that the box will not crash leaving a crash log but i need to reboot via the back power button which leaves me with no log's. the only log;s i have on the box i will be posting below so some experts can please help if possible....

    I cant seem to add the crash logs via the attachments so all advice welcome