Posts by paulthego

    I cant work the screen from work so I vpn'd home and got this

    root@vusolo2:/etc# cat image-version

    Hi all just confirming I have this problem using an Openvix image created by MrGMX I will try the brightness setting tonight and see if that fixes it. I am using a Solo2 as well.

    I have done numerous searches on this issue and the general consensus appears to be these problems are caused by TSPanel and the way its written. Lots of posts saying you shouldnt use it especially on VIX images. It appears to affect DUO's, Dreambox DM800 and others. Its annoying as I had switched to VIX. Maybe when I give it a go next time I will try it without TSPanel to see if I still get the problem.

    In my case the drive is not mounted and there is no entry in fstab. I was able to manually mount it and then I can record etc although it didnt pick up my picons. I have since reverted to your Blackhole image which is fine and the hard drive initialises and mounts fine.

    Like Wiganfun notes if you reboot the box its not mounted which is not a surprise as there is no entry in fstab to mount it.

    Hi I have been having a similar problem. I am running OpenVix backup image from MrGmx and I went into the Software update menu and tried to do an update. On completing this the Solo2 rebooted and my hard drive was gone. I tried various things from the menus including initialising the drive. I then tried to add it back in mountmanager which caused enigma2 to crash with an error in adding a line to fstab. In desparatiion I telneted into the box ran a "mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1" then "mkdir /media/hdd" lastly mounted it by typing "mount /dev/sda1 /media/hdd". This all worked and I was able to timeshift programs etc. Unfortunately if I reboot then all is gone. So I now need to add a line in to fstab.

    I thought I would check the forums first and encountered this post. So your not the only one. Just dont know the right resoloution yet. Here is the exert from the crash log

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/", line 9, in __call__
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 56, in finishedCB
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/ViX/", line 224, in add_fstab