Posts by semtex57


    I'm a little desperate getting Wifi working on the Amiko ....

    The pkt image (PKT_GM990_E2_HYPERION_v2_flash) should have the support fot he rt 2570 (I have a Belkin F5D7050).The dongle is working out of the box on DM800 openpli and VU+Blackhole with the RA driver, but in the PKT imge, it says that the dongle is not inserted or not supported.

    I also tried OPEN ARP but it seems that the plugin server is down, so no possibility to install the Wireless plugin ....

    Any help would be greatly appreciated !


    I would ike to know if there is a way to uninstall HDMU Media center, I would like to use EMC 4. I can install it, and use it, but the Folder button, brings me always to HMU media center, no way to overide it

    If I unsinstall the plugin, I got an error pink screen at reboot and have to flash the box again
