Posts by stuartbloom


    I thought I read somewhere that BH 2 and after have the ability to update the image online without having to use a USB stick.

    Did I imagine that??

    Also, I read that 2.0.2 or some other version has disable the manual setting of network settings, and forces DHCP. Please tell me this sin't so.. :(

    Thanks in advance



    Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issue.

    When streaming to a PC/laptop, it works perfectly, however, the p gets into all sorts of issues. It starts off OK, then it just gets all out of sync, i.e. video and audio don't match.

    Has anyone managed to get streaming to a pi working? Would be great to use this as a method of accessing tv in another room.

    Thanks in advance


    Hi, not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but I was wondering if there is anything similar to the Cool TV Guide?

    Just I have a large Bouquet now, and it takes AGES (well maybe three seconds) to load.

    Any ideas, other than shrink the Bouquet would be most appreciated/



    Sorry for this, I have read it somewhere, but I can't find it any more.

    Running BH 2, I can't find how to turn off the Audio Descriptive stream as a default. I can figure it out per channel, but not to cover all channels.

    Any help will be most appreciated :)


    Hi there

    Attempting to upgrade a plugin, but my flash is showing that it is 100% used (which cant bee good).

    I have a 2TB HDD and an 8GB usb key in the box; it is running Blackhole 1.7.9.

    Can someone point out if there is an easy way of moving stuff from the flash to one of the other devices?

    Many thanks in advance



    I have an old version of TSPanel (Cant be sure as am not near my box at the moment) running on Vu+Duo and Blackhole 1.7.9. Is there anything I should be aware of in order to upgrade to the latest version?

    I may even upgrade to Blackhole 2 :s

    Many thanks in adavance.


    Hi all

    My Sister in law is about to get a Deambox DM500DH. I have been recommended Gemini as the image, but I cannot find where to download it; can someone point me in the right direction?

    Many thanks in advance

    Of course I am open to other suggestions


    Me again, and this is a silly one.

    My wife enjoys moving left and right through the channels, without switching/zapping to them, until she sees what she wants and then presses OK (She is starting to miss SLY).

    Running Blackhole 1.7.9 I cannot find a setting for this, is it even possible??

    Many thanks in advance


    Hi, got a Vu+ Duo, running blackhole 1.7.9. I have seen mentioned different plugins for different versions of OE (Whatever that stands for). Is there an easy way of finding out what version of OE I have on my box?

    Many thanks in advance
