Posts by budley

    Hi alll, recently I have been having a lot of trouble with my box freezing on me. I have a VU+Solo2 and am running the latest vix image. It always seems to happen when I am watching the sport channels, but not only them, it can happen on any channel. It has been off now for a day, I have rebooted several times and checked all is how it should be. Now my internet seems to be acting the buck lately too, it will disconnect for a couple of seconds and then reconnect again. Could that be something to do with it? I have also discovered that when I try to connect to the DCC I get a red line to the box, it shows an error: Error 10057 in function send socket is not connected. When I do my network test it comes as IP Address and Name server unconfirmed.

    Is it possible to watch another channel while 1 is recording?
    I am recording CSI for the wife and wanted to watch the football myself but i cant seem to watch any other channels until the recording has stopped.

    Is it my settings or just a drawback that only one thing can be done at a time?

    How can i adjust the settings on my screen to move it over and down a tad. I have a fuzzy white line running along the bottom and right hand side of screen which is very noticeable in dark screens. VU+ Solo2 box by the way

    So it seems i am not that smart after all. While watching the streamed russian channels, the wife decided to change channel and guess what.......the bloody thing froze. Now when she goes to watch any of the channels its hit and miss, it will either work or freeze and muggins here has to get up off his arse and switch the box off and on again as its the only way to get it to work again.

    Ok, so before i went to bed last night i found a file here for etstreams think its different to etlivestream and installed it. Got an error message about bad magic number in one of files so i changed characteristics and hey presto i got it working. I guess i am not so slow after all. Now have the Russian channels all streaming perfectly for my wifr to watch. Happy days

    I have the vu+solo2 box with the latest vix image on.

    I have tried to install nstreamplayer, etlivestream and tsonlinetv but none of them will install for me.

    Also tried to install TSPanel but it will not work either.

    Its doin my head in ?

    Any ideas what could be wrong?

    unrar this & save to desktop

    Then Using DCC
    send across by FTP -usr - lib-enigma2-python-plugins-extensions - exit & save then reboot

    Still not getting nstream to work just crashing. Should i change the attributes in those files as stated in prev post?

    Using DCC
    FTP -usr - lib-enigma2-python-plugins-extensions
    Now open ETlivedtreamer right click on each file attributes & change from current 644 or other to 755
    Do same with each file
    Exit all out & reboot

    I have followed the path but the etlivestreamer file is not there