Posts by vikkisdad

    morning all
    now i've red there can be issues with earlier models(s9 s10)but just wondered if there's a fix before i send it back

    i've bought a s11 for my daughter for xmas and just been messing with box new firmware etc etc and all works fine except the tuner doesn't pick up all channels(SD or HD).
    If i put an inline amp on the cable it picks up all missing channels and all is ok but
    will this suffice or is the tuner still gonna fail eventually?? or is there anything else i can do.
    dont really want to send it back if possible as theres no guarantee of getting a peplacement in time.

    ps checked box out and it appears to be an original

    i think i've sorted it.
    it would appear the openbox doesn't like sharing a quad lnb with other recievers
    tried it on my other dish with a single lnb and it clears all channels as it should so i've ordered an inline amp and that should solve the issue.
    Apart from that little prob it appears to be quite a good little easy to use box.

    hi all
    mate has BT vision and it turns out that the BT homeplugs were conflicting with the homeplugs i put in,remove the BT ones and all is good.
    thanks sandman,mutz nutz and ten below for your input.

    have you tried a new line m8, as i have had problems with some peers before and f some reason after giving a new line the issue was resolved ;)

    Thanks mutz that was also my first line of thought and it will be the first thing i try

    maybe give him your IP to connect with in case theres a DNS issue somewhere...

    Its probably not a BT issue or there would be a fair number complaining!

    Can he access your share at the minute? Was it just an issue with the football?

    I'll try that m8
    no i didn't think it would be an ISP issue cause as you say there would be loads complaining.
    no he was getting the share ok on sunday but come monday its started playing up and still is now.

    hi sandman

    no the others including myself are on Richard Bransons

    Is he connecting to you via your server address or via IP?

    not sure i understand that part but i guess he will be trying to connect via my server address (DNS)

    I'm currently sharing my card with 4 mates and have just let another mate on but i'm having probs with his line.
    set it up on sunday and all was good but yesterday when he wanted to watch the match it was constantly disconnecting then reconnecting and wouldn't stabilize.i watched it throughout the game and it was showing connected in cccam info but on then off in the active clients.All other mates and my internal lines are ok so i cant understand where the problem is.his ISP is BT but i don't think thats the problem,I'm using a DM800 as server and oscam & cccam213 which i use from the linuxsat image (Thanks all)so i'm pretty sure the set up isn't the prob.sorry cant give more info at the moment but i'm at work.any advice would be gratefully recieved

    might not be right here but i dont see a boxkey unless you left it out on here but if your running 2.1.1 i reckon you need to enter the boxkey from your card in your cfg.
    upgrade to 2.1.4 and there's no need.

    both ten below and shamonemf are correct,the tv being 3d compatible is the important part of this combination and obviously whoever supplies your viewing being subscribed to the 3d package.believe its an extra tenner a month.

    Hi Carmine
    I seem to remember in the early days of the spider there was an issue running a Cline with ucas enabled(Advice back then was not to run gift,keys and line together) but i believe further patches resolved this issue.Might be an idea to disable keys and see if you get missing channels back.

    Not my post but just found elsewhere,
    May answer a few questions for some

    Ethernet Connections
    Posted by
    Today, 02:36 PM

    Ethernet Connections


    Older boxes' ethernet permissions have expired and they can no longer connect. Other boxes will suffer the same fate as time goes by.
    Only the oldest have this issue, and all have had service for much more than 12 months.
    Apologies for the delay in announcing this

    Not sure if you'll have enough memory on a DM 500(you should have) but you could do what i do on my DM 800.
    install Cccam 213 and just switch from Oscam to Cccam to read entitlements,then switch back to Oscam for your server duties.easy and no need to remove the card

    you'll be fine at the mo using cccam just to watch tv but please dont stop there as all the fun is in the learning even though at times you feel as though your banging your head against a brick wall.Best way I found was get yourself a *** package(entertainment) and a cheap DM 500 and learn to share internaly via cccam then when confident enough try sharing with a few mates,when you've cracked that you could maybe subscribe to whatever you want and then share the cost between mates.Thats the way most peeps do it,there's less risk and you know who your dealing with unlike a payserver who could just turn you off and dissappear with you money.Oscam's a different baby but once you learn cccam it'll make the transition less difficult.Finally dont be put of by some of the replies on here as we all started somewhere and i even started via a payserver site as i suspect quite a few peeps did.You'll get a lot more enjoyment out of learning only problem being you'll not watch much telly for a while:waaaht:

    Jim just a quick question.I've just red another one of your threads and can you confirm the dish your using is pointing at 28.2E as i notice you mention 13E and 19.2E on a monobloc.If it isn't mate this wont work

    Everything good this side,have just checked on another box and connects straight away.Make sure the lines in correct Jim ie the C must be a capital and after each part of a line leave a space. ie C: 12000 test1 test1.thats it