Posts by shambi

    hi all,

    i have a dm800 clone sim2.01 with ssl84d
    after trying to upgrade to:
    the unit stuck in boot screen for a few minutes than reset and so on,

    1. tried another image flashing - no good,
    it seems i can still flash over the LAN interface properly,

    2. tried PSU off for a few minutes/over night - no good,

    3. Removed tuner - no good,

    tried to connect an RS232 cable with Dream-up but the Dream-up doeskin recognize the unit,

    i understand i need an RS232 null cable and that is what i used,

    in order for the Dream-Up to recognize DM800 do i need both LAN & RS232 connected or RS232 is enough and the LAN is for image flashing later?

    does somebody happens to know what are the working setting of the COM port in order to communicate with the DM800?
    Stop bit/1?
    Flow Control/(no)/(xon/xoff)/(hardware)?

    Or any ideas at all?
