Posts by Beefybawz

    hi.i bought one of these and tried it with openelec when they were first released.found it too glitchy and kept freezing/crashing.has anyone got the newer model with openelec on it and if so how smooth is it now?

    i kinda thought payservers were online businesses etc where as this is a local guy but yeah guess it is just the is the easy route when you have bought a box and cant see it running the way you want.probably jumped head first in when i really should have planned it a bit better.just keen to learn.anyway gonna fire it up and set it up for fta channels

    Hi f5 just came around half an hour ago so it's time for me to put what I've been reading lately into practise.i have read the forum rules and think this is ok to talk about,if not I apologise.somebody has offered me a cline,have to pay 3 months worth up front.problem is he refuses to give me a test line so I've a feeling that's a bit shady.once I learn a lot I am planning on setting up a server for friends and family at some point.can I ask how you's all got your first cline?did you'd just pay up and hope it was glitch free etc?thanx