Posts by sperimentale4

    Please post in English for everyone's benefit - use google translate if needed.

    This receiver is available for pre-order from a lot of stockists. Just look around. As always is the case when a high profile new model is released, demand will initially exceed supply, but I have seen quotes around saying that from mid July onwards this will be available, but you should not be too optimistic about these proposed dates.

    Ok. Thanks for the reply.
    I apologize if I posted in Italian, but my English school.
    I will use, as now, google translate my next post.
    Good evening to all.

    Salve amici,
    qualcuno sa quando uscirà questo decoder, finora se ne parla ma non so ancora quando verrà messo in vendita.


    Hello friends,
    does anyone know when it comes out this decoder, up to now talk about it but do not know yet when it will be put on sale.
    Thank you.