Posts by djxean

    this works and i see images on my 1st Stb. and using softcam as OSCAM ofcourse i use cccam lines. and but i want to use my mgcamd lines, and it dosent work.

    label = cccam_server_1
    enable = 0
    protocol = cccam
    device = mycccam.xxxxx.xx,3333
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    user = myuser
    password = mypass
    inactivitytimeout = 1
    fallback = 1
    fix9993 = 0
    group = 1
    lb_weight = 100
    cccversion = 2.1.4
    cccmaxhops = 3
    cccmindown = 0
    ccckeepalive = 1

    it sounds Confusing and i really do. im new about oscam. but i manage to use my Oscam and cccam. i put my cline on oscam.server and it reads it.
    but when i put my mgcamd lines on oscam.server i got no picture.

    1 Box only
    Oscam act as client reads my cccam lines (i guess i can make this as a server right? to put on my 2nd stb?)

    all i want to do is..
    Oscam act as client reads my mgcamd lines and make a local cws line for my 2nd stb.

    its like i want to use it as a multiroom. 1 mgcamd line in 2box? is it possible?

    Experts need help :)
    THanks best regards to all members!