Posts by lampiux

    just a thought after reading the propaganda for the UNO ..¿ hotplug tuner??? ¿maybe not fitted right hence the poor snr +agc on 30ºW...
    as I say its just a thought as you are puttin everything down to software,,,,

    thank you for taking the time to reply.
    it would be very odd to happen in 3 boxes, but I did check that. all is in it's place properly.

    Try asking a question on the home of Vix image as a few of the beta team have Uno,s and may be able to help

    a Vix Uno image should be out soon

    Thank you, I did just that.. but as I said before that's down to the manufactor. and people working in oficial image, as all other images are based on their drivers,etc.

    thank you again,
    I may have explain myself wrong..
    I said I could use all of the combinations. but I am not using... to avoid possible problems, I am using direct conection to lnb on a 80 cm dish..and I only need zone 1 dishes where i am.
    and testing the dish I conect to vu+duo and solo and they both work perfect. similar signal quantitie/quality. channels work perfect, all of them. Just on UNO i have problems. I just tried with your configuration as I am facing the tv and uno while triyng to find some information. I just did it quick with your configuration, maybe diseq 1.1 would make a diference.. but no...
    I honestly think it has nothing to do with antena os settings... just rushed software and drivers to sale the machines and bad quality control. I supose we could not complaint if the problem was with unoficial images, but I also tried with oficial version released yesterday and same problem.
    I am really disapointed. I will send you my email... but don't thik anyone can help but the people with the box software sources to make corrections...

    thank you for your reply.
    If I have 1 tunner problem than I have 3 tunner problems, as I got 3 of this machines.

    I have the possibility of having some of does combinations, if not all of them. big family many rooms at home.
    but I am conecting to a motor and also trying with lnb 8 conected to a 80 cm dish. in my area I only need zone 1 dishes.
    here some pictures i took earlier.

    Hi, Wing.
    Thank you for your reply. as you can see I am here waiting for any bit of information to help me and possibly others.
    As I said before, I tried with 3 images, oficial untouched, new oficial, =New Official Image v5.10 Uno. VTI latest, and blackhole latest.
    I also have other receivers at home, vu+duo and vu solo. they both are working perfect. no signal problems wahtsoever.
    I am disconecting cable from vu+duo and using in UNO, so I am sure there is no LNB, dish or cable issues. I also tried motor dish, witch is bigger and diferent lnb.
    I have tried also checking sat.xml and all is fine compared to solo and duo.
    I honestly think they done something wrong with drivers for tunner, as they did with solo.
    just hope there is a solution fast.. is not nice to pay so much for something that is not working for something so basic like scanning channels... with all the respect for all hardworking people, this responsability and my comment goes to manufacteur.
    again thank you all for your efforts.

    Thank you for your anwer is an answer even if it takes no where it gives you some hope. tahnk you again for you reply and I will try your link. whatever I find I will post.

    hello again, 17 viewes not even one comment!!!! is it because I am new here or did I ask something stupid? I tried all they yesterday with all diferent images. with original images as well. because I have two of this unos, I also tried with factory image untouched. I am really disapointed with this box, after the problems with solo one would think they knew their machines.
    Can any of you point me to any oficial suport for for VU+. Thank you.

    does anyone else have problems scanning DVB S2, I don't seem to find anyone complaining. I am trying to scan dvb S2, 8psk no lock on transponder.
    It sound like the first images for solo. drivers had to be installed manually after image.
    any help would be much apreciated.
    if I find any solution I will certainly post. maybe is just me.. but I am almost sure all I could do I done it.
    thank you all for any possible help.