Posts by Endiebor

    I´m looking too for the right configuration for this card. With OscamYmod 18t56 I can see correctly the card, sd and HD, but with the oscam.keys file inside. But the webif tell me ERROR in the init of the card. I´m using Azbox HD Premium.
    I´m not sure what is the right way to put the keys. I´ve read and read very much, but I can´t find any solution. I´ve noticed and found aes that start by 0, and followed by others 0,0... I´ve found sometimes a space between the characters of the key, other times not... I´ve found sometimes only 3 keys, another times more than 5... :good news:

    What´s the right way to order them? Why the keys starts with 0,? why the spaces between the characters in keys? :06:

    Thx for responding