Posts by freeccam

    Hi Everybody,

    I just acquired an EVO M7 and I am pretty happy with it.

    I currently have the latest Opendroid (5.2) on it. It's good ! I like it ! All smooth and has a lot of features that Dreambox or other E2 recievers don't ! But I think that it could be faster !

    But being a new EVO M7 user I wanted to ask you about your favorite image ? about the fastest ? the smoothest ? the one with the most options ? etc

    If it's possible also to provide links, please do ! ;)


    Hi everybody,
    I just bought an nbox 5800s. It came with freebox only I think. I have the Openpli v8.3 and I need to make cccam working (directly not via oscam). I have only Gbox, Mgcamd 1.35 (but it doesn't seem to be working: I tried putting the CWS lines but nothing -or maybe I didn't know where to put them) and oscam. Know I am just converting cccam to oscam but It's not working as it should be.

    Short : I'd like to make cccam or mgcamd working in my nbox 5800s (freebox).
