Posts by yardy_genius

    ok. so what do you guys think about using thin client pc's as servers? can these run full linux os needed for our servers. i would assume the power consumption would be low as well.

    I used to have an acer revo running my server , but changed over to a pi and never looked back, been very stable and of course costs are low and power consumption is next to nothing , I use it with an omnikey card reader that i picked up on the bay @ £5 works far better than the smartgo i was using.
    for under £30 they are a bargain. You cant use cccam but to be honest cccam really is only useful client side those days

    ok, but can cccam clients connect to the pi server regardless of what sharing script is been used?

    It all depends how many people you are going to have on it and how many will be peers and how many clients , i would say most pc servers are a waste of time if you want to go the green route , from my own experience i use a solo 2 costly for as server only but i use mine as a box and server , only reboots i have ever had to do are self inflicted , server runs while the box is in standby , server still runs even when i reboot enigma interface installing plugins ,its never fails , had no issues at all with this setup running vix 3.0 , rasbery pi wont run cccam as far as im aware it will only run oscam

    ok well i dont plan to have alot or clients though. but am curious though, this may seem like a silly question but what is the difference between a peer and client in this situation?

    Hello again guys, i have been doing some research for implementing a low power server and i just thought i would get your input on any recommendations. I could use a dreambox but the reading which i have been doing reveals that i would have to do frequent restarts. any suggestions in building a low power server pc , small box or raspberry pi which is stable that can work as a server 24/7. any suggestions are welcome.

    You will need a box that at the very least can handle a cline/nline..

    The rest is really down to what exactly you want to do on your stb..
    If it is purely just for viewing TV, there are tonnes of box's out there for under £100
    If you want to be able to record, watch on-demand, stream etc. etc.. The box's that fit your needs become fewer & fewer...

    So If you decide what you need, It would be a much easier question to answer...

    Ok with that also been said. when i obtain a subscription, does the receiver which a get from the provider play an important role? i have been reading around that i need to obtain the box key and some are more difficult to obtain from others some requiring JTAG. can you clarify for me please. thanks.

    Openbox X5 is the best. It supports Huawei modems directly. Or just buy a cheap router like TP LINK-MR3020. It'll help to keep connection alive and improve picture quality.

    You bring up an important point about keeping connections active. I particularly want a solutions that even if it disconnects will reconnect automatically.
    does the tp link router has automatic reconnect?

    Well if its a "small server", you should not have a problem with ecm's.. I have about 30 clients & about 20 peers and I have no problems.. To be honest judging by some of the peers I have had in the past with 10-15 cascading users, id imagine that my server could handle 4-5 times its current capacity.. But why would you be so worried about server capacity at this early stage?

    OK, so another question. do i need a special type of receiver when i get the sub? that is is it more ideal to buy one receiver over the other.?

    Thanks alot for your reply. its really helpful. i will get started with building the server. I really do consider this as a hobby, and to get this working is really exciting to me. am somewhat the networking Enthusiast lol. i don't have a problem with buying the equipment, just want to ensure i get the right one. lol. also for a subscription, is there a specific box i should get with the subscription? i am also aware that some payed servers go down, because of ECM? not 100% sure. does this also affect us who have the small private servers. thanks.

    Hello guys which box would you recommend that has 3g/4g capabilities since i don't have a dsl connection at home. I have been looking at the openbox x5 which has 3g modem capabilities. I am looking to use this box for sat 110 and 119. would like if it had epg support as well. any more recommendations?

    Hello again everyone, i must first declare than i am a nob to this type of server setup and would greatly appreciate some clarification to questions that linger in my mind.
    before i actually purchase equipment i want to ensure i completely understand all the concepts associated with cccam or other server files. my aim is to set up a server with about 20 users for now. family and friends. i could use a dreambox but i prefer a pc to facilitate future expansion. i have also been reading that some paid servers tend to go down with this be the case of my private home server as well. i plan to do a setup with one sub and i am perfectly fine with working within the limits of it.

    with that being said, i have been browsing thru a few guides here with regards to the set up, and also googling returns a few results as well. now starting from scratch as it relates to obtaining a sub and best server to go with can anyone point me to guides that will clear this up for me. what is a boxkey too? will i need this to setup my server.
    i know i may sound a bit confusing and may sound like am going off on a tangent but any direction offered would be greatly appreciate. am pretty tech savvy just want to know exactly where to start to reduce some of the headaches.