Posts by Sup3ringo

    like i said all that was long time ago (2 years) and i stoped that with public shares long time thats why you would find nothing from me the last year.... its not safe for me and i dont want no trouble...i understand you all but i hope i still got a chance..

    I was looking for cards but iam not a payserver....and that is long time ago

    <profile name="***de" ca-id="1702" network-id="0085" provider-idents="00 00 00" require-provider-match="false" enabled="true" debug="false">
    <newcamd listen-port="30003">
    </newcamd> <max-cw-wait>8500 ms</max-cw-wait>
    <services-file format="cccam" ca-id="1702" filter="000000">/etc/***de.channelinfo</services-file>

    <profile name="***delight" ca-id="1702" network-id="0085" provider-idents="00 00 00" require-provider-match="false" enabled="true" debug="false">
    <newcamd listen-port="30010">
    </newcamd> <max-cw-wait>8500 ms</max-cw-wait>
    <services-file format="cccam" ca-id="1702" filter="000000">/etc/***de.channelinfo</services-file>

    and if one channel is running on ***de than i cant watch it on ***delight again.. following error:
    Ca-id mismatch. The ecm reply didn't have the same ca-id as the request, indicates some clients are sending ecms to the wrong ports.

    ok sorry :)
    no i got no payserver its just that i got some stuff on my *** card what my children dont need to see in their room, maybe in some years :)
    I tried to make a next 2nd profile but than i got CAID Missmatch if both are looking the same.


    i got a problem, how can i block some channels for some of my users ?? i tried to make 3 profiles with the same network-id and ca-id but this is not working. And i cant find a way to block channels for users. Is there a way to do this with CSP. i know in oscam i can easily do this but i cant see a way in csp