Posts by kappl01

    Back home I tried with webaccess settings yes/no

    https <ip> 443
    http <ip>:80

    Same I tried with telnet which gave error "cannot connect to <ip>:*""

    http:<ip> to CCcam server on port 16001 works well!

    I also switched off the firewall and repeated the tests

    Now I am :26_002:

    Please comment on this?

    regards Ko

    Hello All,

    My DM500HD clone works 100 % fine but no webinterface is possible.
    I have image Newnigma2 rel. 2011-01-22.

    I can reach the box via DCC and Dreamedit. Furthermore I can reach the CCcam server via 192.168.x.x:16001

    In the configuration I have enabled the Webinterface, I also changed several parameters but nu result.
    I also downloaded a new webinterface with the built in downloader, again no results.

    I am a little afraid to flash a new image and possibly come in (bricked) problems.

    Can you give me tips?

    Thanks in advance,
