Posts by genius5000

    Now go into dreamsat- read files from the box - tick the ones you want or dont want( its been a long time since i´ve used editors)
    then once you are happy with the ones you want - write them back to the box and you´re done..
    btw .. I notice your IP is in Europe, are you sure you can pick up the signal from the sats you want???

    i think you're misunderstanding me ... i dont want to scan channels by the box.
    i just want to use Dreamset and let it download all the channels from internet.
    but as i said, Dreamset cannot download anything beyond 75E !

    if you install/open Dreamset by yourself then you will know what i mean :)

    As I dont know which image you are using etc
    using DCC or filezilla,
    FTP into etc/tuxbox and you will see the older sats.xml file there..
    simply FTP the new one in its place to overwrite it
    then restart the box.. you should then see the sats/channels you wish

    hey thanks.
    yes i did all that successfully, and yes all the sats are now there in the stb.

    do i have to scan the channels in the stb? and then edit them by Dreamset?

    i am not sure if i did explain it properly as to what i really wanted.
    i want to download channels from internet by Dreamset, then ftp them to the box.
    but Dreamset doesnt have any internet option other than downloading from KingOfSat which allows you only the european sats channels (til 75E).

    do you understand me now? :)


    Here you go buddy,, sats.xml
    You decide which sats you want then download it as an .xml file
    then as you say ,,use dreamset to install it over onto the stb
    remember to restart stb to take effect

    hey cheers for your reply.
    I'm a bit confused though as to how to install the xml file. it would be brilliant if you show me the procedure a bit here ...

    I've downloaded the xml file and saved it to my desktop.
    what is next? I tried opening it by Dreamset but failed.

    please help :) thanks


    I am currently using Dreamset239 for VU+ Duo².
    It works fine but my problem is I need more satellites' channel lists to download and unfortunately Dreamset cannot get anything beyond KingOfSat list.

    I need for example, lists from 76.5E, 78E, 83E.
    So, is there any way I could download channel lists from the sats above and ad/insert/ those on to Dreamset?
    Or is there any other editor which would serve my purpose?

    Any help would be highly appreciated.


    I am having an issue here regarding connecting multiple DiSEqCs with the D15 receiver.
    I could not find any 'committed' 'uncommitted' options in the setup. Perhaps you can help?

    Here is my current configuration:

    1st DiSEqC : A (19°E) + B (28°E) --- connected to the 2nd DiSEqC's A, and B is for C-Band reserved.

    So, the 2nd DiSEqC is connected to the D15 receiver directly and my problem is now,
    I am only getting 19°E from the 1st DiSEqC's A through the 2nd DiSEqC's A, but nothing else!
    So, what can I do and how to receive the 28°E as well by using two different DiSEqC in this way?
