Posts by bereket

    hello @ Lululla

    changes you made on code since november 25 (last weekend) introduce a reggression bug on xcplugin 2.2

    the error of calling api info described previously on this post

    tested on both latest versions of openatv 6.4 and 7.1 running on octagon sf8008

    downgrading on version 1.8 (no autoupdater module) restores functionality

    openvix 5.4.016 for octagon sf8008

    version 1.6 ok

    with newer versions of xcplugin forever arises problem
    after every openvix software update from the menu panel inside the image

    eg version 1.8

    message on plugins panel

    some plugins are not available


    (unsupported operand types for + :'None' and 'str')

    uninstalling v 1.8 and
    reinstalling version 1.6 returns to normal

    and again

    openvix software update offers 1 package for install

    Dear pcd thank you for your nice work !

    I am using addon with openatv 6.1 image and there are some issues

    1.from kodilite plugn main menu -browse - all
    it just opens a couple of available users channels and not really all !
    the same happens with other categories channels missing from there

    2.from the " top-bar" menu option everything is ok and all chanells are displayed

    3.favorites menu option partially works i.e it saves favorites normally but when trying to play these streams it just opens them without showing anything other than black screen both with hls and ts player option

    so favorites channels don't work from fav menu but only from top-bar selection

    4. i would appreciate an option to disable auto updates notification every time the plugin starts

    5. i have attached log file from tmp folder when perfoming these routines


    6. a special request for adaptation of kodi iheart audio plugin to enigma2 .it needs some code modifications to properly display cities general settings and genres of music

    it partially works as it is now with default fav channels playing ok

    also attached iheart plugin as it exists now with an iheart error report from my receiver when using it with kodi lite