Posts by dbanga6141

    I recently just started venturing into the world of openwebif.

    ive ran to into a problem that I need help with.

    ive followed all the guides available online.

    I have a amiko alien 2 and vu+ solo clone(openbox), internet with sly broadband 17mb download and 1mb upload

    when I stream within my network it runs fine no problems, but when I stream outside my network using dyndns the stream is very blocking and constant buffering problems.

    I can think that my internet is not fast enough to handle but if somebody can tell me otherwise or that im right, I can put this bed because its just driving mad trying to get this working. I would love enjoy TV at work

    thank you.

    hey all

    first im sorry if I've posted this in the section.

    im kind ov new to the world enigma2. I rececently just brought myself a vu+ solo running openvix software upgrade from a basic openbox x3.

    im just looking for a plugin to play media files off usb, just like I was able to play them on my openbox.

    can somebody please either point me to the right direction or even upload a ipk plugin for easy installation.

    thank you