Posts by marci1234

    Hi there, I am marci, from Italy, just bought an Alien 2 triple, have some experience with Dreambox and Inet b oh S12, but this time I am struggling with my new toy....hope somebody will be so kind to hel me:

    Hi I have an Alien 2 triple, trying to get my cccam to work for days but no luck, I followed all the guides on web for this receiver, used cccam, newcamd, oscam etc etc...., intalled all the plugin, configured all files for it and ftp, cannot get to work, I had these setting and server working fine on DH500 and S12, but no way with alien 2 on spark either on HDMU, I can get a good ping on the server but no picture, strange I can see the subtitle of the movie, but I always get the message scrmbled on not running, any idea of a good working plugin or some setting need to be done?

    Thanks, Marci