Posts by 11gaz11

    Yes the usb is fat 32 formatted.How do I format to NTFS or like pheonix said? Which of the 2 replies is my best bet or will they both work? Anyone had a similar experience like me? If so how did they get round it?

    Thanks for the suggestions so far

    I am currently recording on to a 32gb usb stick until I order a designated hd to install internally or an external one. However I am having issues. Each time I record something it records fine for 30-40 minutes (sometimes less) then I get the message disk full write error on screen. The stick Isn't full though. Anyone else had this and is there a way to sort it? Using latest vixx image if anyone needs to know. Is this a vixx only problem or have people had this using other images?

    Thanks in advance


    How do you switch from a cline to an n line if you have one of each on a v+ solo 2 box? The c line seems to be taking priority even though certain channels the n line is better. Is there a way to flip between the 2 or prioritse between the 2? Thanks

    Up to now i have uploaded Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West as my channel list. Good choice or are there better? Can someone please remind me of what i need to do next? Had this all sorted the other day but my mind has gone blank now and i am just confusing myself going over old ground doing searches to try and find the info from here. Think i need to download a plugin and ccam link ready to enter a cline. Can someone please confirm and perhaps point me in the right direction?

    Thanks again

    ci+1 is a uk channel that is weak and you should get 4,8e at about 60% depending on your setup and location im in edinburgh with a 1,1 dish and i get 60% so you might be slightly higher than that

    Disappointingly my neighbour doesn't have a ladder large enough to carry out this job. Engineer can come out on monday to look at dish again but good that i can also check signal strength myself with the app you told me about. Then i need to invest in a large pair of ladders!!!

    Disappointed this isn't sorted though as wanted to watch Liverpool game tomorrow lunchtime but never mind!

    Thanks for your help thus far though Steve

    pick a weak uk transponder ci+1 and get that best as possible tighten up and check 4,8 e and see how that is as its weak also youll get it at about 50-60 % at best well i do with a 1,1 dish your best getting the weaker ones high as possible then every thing else will sort its self out

    What is ci+1? Are you saying 4.8 e will be 50/60% best of ci+1 will be that?

    OK brilliant, will give this a whirl tomorrow, as long as i can find some ladders from somewhere as my dish is attached to a pole pretty high up on side of my house and i don't have ladders that big but i think my neighbour might have some. Seems pretty straight forward to use (just downloaded app)

    What channel/sat should i be looking to re-align dish to? Is it just a case of moving the motor? Don't have to mess about checking the lnb position etc? Just the dish?

    Sorry for all the questions!!!!

    use that signal meter bud you can change channel with it at the dish to test different transponders your dish will just need a small tweak , small movements youll see , a great tool !!

    Where can i get one of these from mate? How much? Sounds like a great piece of kit. Basically aligning the dish yourself from inside your home as far as i can see?

    How could it be working fine in the morning then 8 hours later its not though? Engineer said he tightened everything up and everything was fine when he left which it clearly was as i was picking everything up with very good signal strength. Would you recommend getting him back out to it then? I sent him a text earlier so hopefully he will reply soon and come and sort it for me. Any ideas what it could be if its not that though?

    Watching C$ HD now and its crystal clear. Signal strength is only 50% though

    Hi. I recently purchased this receiver to take over from my very reliable Spiderbox HD9000. After 2 and a half years of using this box i never really had any issues with it but felt it was time for an upgrade so took the plunge with the Vu+ box. I'm not going to lie but it took me quite some time to get everything sorted but eventually i got there and on Wednesday night/thursday morning i had everything sorted and clearing properly. I even got the local engineer who has done some bits and bobs for me in the past just to come and make sure everything up there was in order and dish hadn't moved at all (we'd had some strong winds since the last time it was checked a year ago) The dish hadn't moved at all and everything was fine when the guy left. He checked Thor 0.8 and i was getting 81% signal strength which i thought was pretty decent.

    Didn't really use the box yesterday until last night and now everything has gone to pot. I did have a notification saying there was a software update that could be carried out so i went ahead and did that. That was the only change/thing i did to the box since the engineer left when everything was working perfect. Co-ords are inputted correctly but i can't even pick 0.8 thor up now and 28.2 signal strength ranges between 0-50% when i flick through the various transponders. I have started from scratch doing a factory reset using the very latest Vixx image that came out today but still i am not picking satellites up and can't get thor and 28.2 signal strength is very poor.

    So annoying because everything was working perfectly yesterday morning.

    Has anyone experienced this before? Does anyone have any advice as to what might be the issue? I have asked the engineer if he can pop over again when he gets chance just to double check everything again but surely it can't be the dish is out when he checked it and it was fine?

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

