Posts by oasis

    Thanks for the reply. It's spark. I don't know if it's mgcamd or oscam. How can I check?

    The problem is that only 1 of the tuners is mapped to a satellite (astra2). What I need to do is to map astra2 to both tuners but when I go into menu/install/satellite install and try to do that there is no way I can. I've contacted the company that set it up and I'm waiting for a call back but we all know what that means.

    I have an alien 2 box setup as part of a package. So basically I just turn it on and there are the channels. I have twin lnb and both the lines are working (I saw the installer test them OK).

    The problem I'm having is that I can't watch one program while recording another. I've tried various things but when the timer kicks it off, the recording fails. One lnb is tuned to Astra 2a/2b/2d and the other to Badr 4/5/6. I have tried setting up the record timer on one then switching to the other to watch live, but when the timer triggers it fails. And if I record manually and then try to switch to the other satellite it says: 'please don't do that your are recording!'

    The channel lists seem to be the same on both these satellites. I think it's weird its configured to Badr as that appears to be an African satellite but I'm in Europe and I'm not getting any of those African channels.

    Anyone have any ideas to set me straight? thanks.


    Buy one from someone who does',nt say its locked . T

    The reason I'm talking to these guys is the dish. That's the main part of the package. It's a great dish at a great price. Beats the the competition by a long way pricewise. I can always buy another box and I'll still be better off.


    If so, the native image for this box is Spark which is an Amikos native OS.
    The other Boot option is to load an Enigma2 image, this comes in many flavours which you can do what you want with if you like!!!!

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks. That's a good point. I'm sure their system is running on the Spark side. Anyway, I'll go ahead and get it and start having fun. Then I can come whining back here with all my problems :baffle:

    I still don't know what you mean by locked can't you upgrade firmware or load a enigma2 image? Or did your box come with a so called gift so that you can't change settings? I have never come across a mention of a locked Amico box.

    My linux background is with asterisk , network softswitches, and some other comms devices used on ships. I have never touched one of these stbs (and don't have my box yet as Iam still looking at the deal). So I am making the probably false assumption that these boxes have the usual linux security (and that's what they meant by 'locked') as I have never come across linux system with no security credentials required before. However, I have just spent awhile in the tutorial section so I think I can now answer my own question. It appears that these stbs don't have security and you can flash the firmware from a USB stick etc. - so when they say 'locked' I think they are just feeding me BS.

    Can you elaborate on the above to clarify what you mean about being locked to the installer's service?

    Not really. I sent them an email with a bunch of questions. One of those questions was:

    "Do I get full control of the Amiko box (admin login/password etc) to allow me to upgrade or modify the system at some point down the road if I choose to, or is their any kind of lock on it that prevents this?"

    Answer = the pvr box is locked by us

    So that's all the info I'm likely to get. I understand that this stb has a linux os so I thought it might be possible to install (if I choose to) a new OS from the USB. However, this may need the admin password which I'm not going to get (of course, I could always offer the installer an "incentive" to give me the logins - that usually works pretty good in this part of the world). Bottom line is I'm unfamiliar with these boxes so I have no idea how to work with them and what constraints may be in place. Ultimately, it's not such a big deal. I could always buy a new box. I see that this Alien 2 has very mixed reviews here in any event. But I appreciate any advice you have.

    Hi all,

    I introduced myself elsewhere. First thanks to all for this info. It's terrific. But when you are at my level (way down here) simple questions emerge which are way below the radar of most of this. I am a total newbie with these STBs although definitely not a newbie with computers and networks (in fact a real oldtimer there-;).

    So I am looking at an installation package with a great dish and an amiko alien 2. The stb is 'locked' to the installers service. That's OK given the price, but I wonder about modifying this stb down the road. I assume by 'locked' they mean that I don't get the admin login etc to modify. I am assuming that there is no hardware lock of any kind (jumper settings or something). So down the road, if I want, I can always just flash a whole new OS on the stb and wipe existing content clean, get my own new logins etc., and load up whatever platform I want.

    Am I correct in this thinking? or is there something else here I've overlooked.
