Posts by 4all

    purple = not local card but N line ¿¿¿perhaps using as local card??

    - Hi again.

    - Thank you, a concept less from the doubts I have with this topic. :69:

    * Purple = N line.

    - The real question I have is in reference to the "ends" of NodeID,
    I can not find a logical explanation for why a termination decision or another ...

    - Best regards.

    - Hi dear friends. :47_002:

    - Solicit help on a subject that failed to resolve, I know the NodeID
    corresponding to each server individually but when I perform the query
    on the wall of a server I find some doubts.

    :83: :83:

    . 1) How in the NodeID terminations are interpreted?

    . 2) Why or meaning must appear the same hots
    principal at other positions but purple?

    - In the example the position 42 corresponds to the same primary host but
    termination of your Host (_149a6 *) this with an asterisk at the end

    - Thanks for any help.

    - Best regards friends beer10

    Hi :47_002:

    I've finally been able to launch my installation on debian with cccam, a small query,
    although I think that has already been done, I do not connect my decoder Could
    with the Server?.

    This only works as a client, MVision HD 300 combo net, and of course I have to enter manually in your menu online
    as it has no way to access it either by web or ftp.

    Thank you very much for any help, indication or procedures for this new challenge,
    der Server cccam ended successfully under Debian. beer10

    Best Regards.