Posts by stella44

    Walla it's working thanks suites I have xbmc up & running on prismcube image from 8/10/2013 it is image 1.1.2 & it's running xunitytalk wizard very well
    I upgraded to latest prismcube image but doesn't work so I will try updating every image 1 @ a time & see what happens
    Anyway thanks 100 times for helping

    Hi suites n everyone that's it I give in be getting hammer out soon wish I'd never brought this prismcube I have tried everything I have got bt infinity it's running bt hub 3 I have disabled the hubs firewall n windows firewall nothing is still right I am totally pxxxxd of with it all I don't know what to do now but chuck it in the bin there is properly some stupid answer to this but I am know bald after pullin all my hair out mrs is sick of it told her get this n whatch what you want but it's not happened

    Ok just went into xbmc / program's wizard clicked on it screen went black & back to sat
    Tried again wizard now downloading now extracting hit 100%
    Now says do broken would you like to disable it I clicked yes
    Now on xunitytalk screen it is just updating ad dons
    Now I click on much movies the screen goes black xfinity comes up in big letters then goes back to sat
    Hit menu button go onto xbmc video all ad dons have gone so back to program's hit wizard again extracting zip 100%
    Ad dons updating again
    Go to program's hit navi x back to black screen & xfinity in big letters then back to sat
    This is what's happening

    Hi all step by step of what I am doing
    Clean install of new black hole
    Install xbmc xunitytalk wizard
    Loads after 3/4 attempts
    Click on wizard takes few attempts
    Then everything is there
    Go program's click on navi x
    Nothing just goes back to sat
    Click again navi x comes up
    Click on most recent ect
    Goes back out of xfinity
    Click again got stuff come up
    Click on film ect
    Goes back out of xbmc
    Go back in then click on film ect
    Stop what's playing
    Click on another film doesn't work till I have repeated all above steps
    Conclusion is it will only work if you do everything as above
    So to watch something on navi x or anything else I have to go 1 step at a time
    Hope you understand what I mean

    Hi All
    I have been quiet last couple of days as I have been trying to resolve this prismcube xbmc problem I have swapped the box but it still exists so its me were I am at is if I install original firmware ab ipbox 1.1.12 from September I can get somethings to work on fusion but when I put new firmware on that is when I cannot get anything any ideas folks

    Hi all
    Does anyone know of network settings in xbmc mine says
    Network connection. Ethernet

    Network link. Says connected or busy every 30seconds

    Just wondered if this could be causing me the problems with xbmc timing out all the while

    Cheers mate & thanks to everone for helping out i am having one more go tonight so could do with a quick responce if you dont mind . Step 1 clean install of blackhole step 2 http;// on fusion do i just use it for a clean install of xbmc or use there hub wizard. Step 3 this is were i am having problems download talk wizard sometimes works sometimes gives me games like hangman ect it will also put all addons on but when i click on them prismcube comes straight out of xbmc & back to sat could my xbmc side off things be corrupt somehow thats why i am thinking do a clean install with rs232 & see what happens sorry for picking everyones brains but last time i messed with sat was the days of decoders & keygens & dragon cams

    Hi everyone I have got everything installed now thanks to everyone but still not working I click on navix 1channel simply movies ect all that happens is xfinity comes on screen in big letters there is also green arrow on top left hand corner of the screen then it just goes back to tv it's like it shuts down xbmc side & goes back to satellite side
    Any help please