Posts by seagen

    Its for those who have a common interface module and a subscription card and want to use that in the enigma2 based reciver like Dreambox, Vu+ and others. Since CI+ module is a cardparing system its need a certified device to be used. CI+ helper emulate that so you can use it on non certified devices.

    You have many good points but still there have to be the old drivers for CI+ to work and in the first release from Vu+ to 4K recivers those drivers where there. Like BlackHole they have removed them now in the latest build and also removed older Images from there servers.

    With this in mind i dont now how other image builders go forward. But the PLI team have public stated that they are not interested in support of

    CI+ in any way even if there where closed legal drivers to add to there image. They belive in 100% open source and for that we have to respect them.

    There is support for some 4K recivers but then they have to use the old drivers. With new drivers the Plugin is blocked out.

    You are right that drivers are provided by manufactor. There was though a loophole on the first set of drivers that should have been closed but

    some of them where open so therfor Image builders could add there own hacked drivers. What CI+ helper does is to exploit this loophole.

    But lately CI+ has been warning image makers that they will take legal action if they dont replace those first drivers.

    So Team Blackhole and Open Pli has removed them from later image builds. But older recivers like Vu+ Solo2

    still have access to older build images and therefor it can work for some and newer recivers like Vu+Uno4Kse dont have

    older images so therfor it want work on those recivers.

    And older images really dont need CI+ Helper they work with CI+ mudules as they are and then you have images like OpenATV who

    Hade CI+ helper in the core build to support as many system as possible.

    So until someone smartguy can hack the drivers for Arm recivers there will be no CI+ working in OpenPli 4K

    To answer your question simply there is no supporting DVB drivers in OpenPli and no hacked SSL sertificate the boxbranding is just to

    identify that you use a box and image that contains those 2 illegal elements ;)

    Works very good on 4k. Just install on a arm recevier a mipsel one then ftp to /user/bin the cccam for arm. Dont ask around how to for different images. Pick up the one mipsel for Yr image and simply change bin. All done.

    Instead of telling newbeginners that they cant ask questions for their images would it jus be better to help?

    Maybe create a thread where we all share the loaction of files for all images.

    Like this

    BlackHole and OpenBlackhole file location is:

    /usr/bin/ for cccam bin file/arm file needs chmode 755

    /usr/camscript/ for scriptfile .sh file needs chmode 755

    /etc/ for cccam.cfg

    /usr/bin/ for oscam bin/arm files need chmode 755

    /usr/camscript/ file needs chmode 755

    /etc/tuxbox/config/ for oscam config files

    /usr/bin/ for mgcamd bin/arm file needs chmode 755

    /usr/camscript/ file needs chmode 755

    /usr/keys/ for configfiles

    So if everybody who has a diffrent working image maybe can share this basic info for new beginners we accully could be of help.

    Virtuell Private Network history.

    I am so old so I was here when networking and Internet first hit us with dial up modems.

    So what we have is Lan "Local area Network" and Wan "Wide are network"

    When we are in the Lan we use private network ipadresses like and those and since we are in an Lan we can have the same

    adress in several networks.

    But as soon as we need to contact a Wan network we need an public Ipadress and they are all uniq.

    With the old Dialup we cold connect to other private networks with an phonecall to an Dialup server that provided us with loggins and ipadress.

    This is what VPN emulate over wan connection. But now its your computer or other divice that makes an IP dialup to an VPN server

    that recives your call and provide you with loggins and ipadress.

    But here comes the catch.... Yes your traffic to the server will be hidden and crypted but the traffic from the VPN server out on the Internet will not be.

    And if you think that some company will be responcible for illegal activity on your behalf well then you need to re think.

    As long as the torrent download server is on the Internet and not behind the same private network as the VPN server there will allways be a way

    for the athority to trace back your activity, and when people starts to bundle up to one place, well then it would be even more easy to make a big

    catch of illegal use.

    In my opinion the popping up of VPN servers all over the world is just a scam to earn money on people who is scared and do illegal stuff on the net.

    Only time that VPN is 100% secure is when used as piont to point connection betwen two host in private networking where all host are inside

    that network.

    I recomend the Vu+ Solo2 its a good fast stable reciver for a good price. Install OpenBlackhole in the flash and mount a usb stick

    Then use OpenMultiboot and test your way trough images. There are many good images for this reciver.

    It also have internal HDD several usb ports, 2 Common interface and 2 softcam slots

    There are also several images for this reciver with support for CI+ still out there

    4K reciver there is is only one choice, go for the Vu+Uno4kSE but as written above no 4K channels to watch about the free channels and some demo

    Yes there is Viasat UltraHD and a Canal+ UHD but none of them sends 24/7

    Use your money on an HD reciver for now and the 3 choices above is very good budget recivers

    No this 2.3.1 is the same as 2.3.0 just new name since its compiled for Arm but just the same contence so no need to update

    You have to change the chmode/filepermission in BlackHole 3.0.0 and up to 3.0.4.E tested in latest BlackHole 3.0.5 dont work there!

    Only Mgcamd and Oscam in Blackhole latest. You can Cccam with MgCamd just edit the cccam.list file like your Cccam.cfg

    Ftp to your box and go to folder /usr/bin and find file Cccam_2.3.0 right click the file and change from 644 to 755

    Do the same with scriptfile located in folder /usr/camscript/ and of cause you have to edit or upload your old cccam.cfg file to folder /etc/





    Tested and confirmed working in OpenBlacHole/ OpenBH 4 Ultimate BlackHole 3.0.0 and up Vu+Uno4KSE

    Attached file is arm version for Vu+

    Can be that filepermission on Camscript and bin file needs to be change to make it work

    Just ftp to folder /usr/bin and find file Cccam_2.3.0 change file permission to 755

    Then go to folder /usr/Camscript and change to 755 on

    Its easy to decompile an ipk file.

    1. Upload ipk file to /tmp/

    2. open telnet with putty or other telnet terminal and logg in

    3. then just type. ar x /tmp/name of ipk file and hit enter

    4. ftp to folder /home/root/ and refresh the view

    5. you find 3 files named Data.tgz Control.tgz and debian.bin

    6. download all 3 files and delete them from root folder

    In file Data.tgz you find the contence of the ipk file and in control.tgz you find install scripts if there are any

    the debian.bin is usless but you have to remove all 3 files from folder on your stb if you want to save space and extract any new files

    since ar x command dont overwrite files.

    Hope this helps you

    Be care full with updates if you have an working CI/CI+ hade a conversation over there at the forum since threads get closed when talikg about Image OpenBLackHole 4.1.

    If you update to latest Image OpneBH then all CI+ module stops workin and the answer i got is they dont support illegal use.

    In som country there is Illegal to put you CI+ Module in an not Licens product so therfor they could not help with the problem in OpenBH.

    I see in Update 3.0.5A they have an

    - Fix DVB-CI problem so be avare if you update allways do a full image Backup first so you can reflash if you need.

    I can confirm that latest BlackHole still works with CI+ Cas 7 Conax

    Har dere testet OpenBlackHole och BlackHole?

    Godt tips er

    1. Ta full Backup på den image du når har i Flashen

    2. Flash Mottakern med OpenBlackHole 4.1 förste utgaven

    3. Installer Multiboot på usb

    4. Ladd hjem alle imager der er til din mottaker og intaller i Multiboot og test deg frem

    Er en bugg i förste utgaven av OpenBlackHole 4.1 der tydligen mange CI+ moduler er supportet

    Hadde en diskusjon med Matrix över på der jeg nesten blev bannet for at jeg varnet folk fra og oppdatere imagen

    Da Ci+ sluttet og virke. Han sente meg tilslutt ett pm der han fortalte at de fått en varning fra folka bak modulen at de ikke hadde sertifikat

    og licens för og stötte desse moduler så noe har blitt gjort med mange Image så de ikke lengre har stötte for CI+ og da hjelper det litt

    med plugin som CI+ Helper

    Legger ved Image för Vu+ Solo2 da jeg har den spart på min HDD :) er förste utgaven om den virker på Viasat hvet jeg ikke da jeg har testet

    Men Conax Cas7 parred module og kort virker fint i denne imagen.

    Common interface (CI and CI+) dont use emm or ecm they convert a small streamfile instead. So basic answer is no you cant share as in regular sharing.

    But ask the question i our Nordic sectioen here at Linuxsat :) maybe some one nows something and you can ask in your own language


    If you like to see the CI+ in oscam Webinterface just add internal reader but instead of /dev/sci0 or sci1 use /dev/ci0 or ci1 depending in what slot

    you have your CI+ Module
