Posts by MrDivx

    Looks like the image you are using is corrupted or you are installing an image that is not compatible with your bootloader/box.. it is a clone so be careful which images you choose to use.

    Sorry my late answere. But i have tried several images. I also opened my box to see which sim who was in my clone. And it was a Ferrarri sim. So i use image for DM800 hd clone box. I am not 100% sure it is the right image but i think so.

    I have flashed my DM800 hd with TSOne image for my box. It has a Ferrari sim and have not mounted any harddrive in it yet. I have used Opera, Explorer and Google Chrome to flash via my web interface, but same thing happens. When i am finished flashing and searching channels. Everything seems ok. I get picture and i can change between channels. When i turn of my box and start again it seems that everything is gone. It starts booting but doesnt finish. I get message on tv that the tuner cannot reckognize hardware. And then i have to flash box all over again. Then it works until i turn it off and restarts :(

    The message says: "System message. Hardware coild not be verified. Please contact Dream Multimedia Support. Code 0x1800f"

    Help is appreciated. Thx in advance :)