Cheap box for a beginner

There are 4 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,023 times. The last Post () by mckee25.

  • Could anyone recommend something cheap. Satellite Linux Box for a beginner

    I managed to brick my cloud Ibox in a few days so I'm looking for something cheap to experiment before maybe purchasing something better down the line

    I'm interested in card sharing, so any box that is suited to a beginner really.

  • Enigma2 linux receivers operate the same way (more or less).
    If you can get to grips with ones from the budget end of the spectrum, the more expensive ones operate in exactly the same manner (Probably more flash and ram with a couple of bells and whistles added, internal hdd capability, more tuners, vfd, lcd etc)
    If your buying one just to get to know enigma2, with plans to upgrade, I recommend taking the plunge and purchasing your intended receiver from the outset as you'll benefit from increased speed, increased ram, image support, multi tuner options etc etc (model dependent of course)
    My tuppence for what it is worth anyway.
    All you need really is a good quality usb drive (for flashing) a pc (communicating with the receiver), internet, a good hdd (if you plan to time-shift/record) and the right image (receiver make/model dependent).
    The Vu range has huge image support (probably the biggest on here to be honest), nearly every image team includes this manufacturer's receivers
    My first receiver was a solo2 and it has never missed a beat.
    I have purchased more than average number of receivers since but always come back to the solo2 as my main one (due to speed, size, stability and reliability really)
    As prophet mentioned, the main thing you need to consider before purchase really is budget (obviously)
    After that is tuners (how many you require and of what type)
    The more tuners you require, the more expensive the receiver (watch one channel and record another)
    They can be split into two main categories (more or less):
    Dvb-s/s2 = satellite reception (astra, hotbird etc). Dvb-s is standard definition, Dvb-s2 is high definition (which is also compatible for standard definition reception and is probably industry standard by now)
    Dvb-t/t2/C = Terestrial / Cable (Dvb-t/t2 is terrestrial tuner, freeview (need t2 version I think) / saorview (can use either t/t2). Dvb-c is cable, virmin media etc).
    Dvb-t2/c hybrid tuner is one that can be configured to use either terrestrial or cable systems.
    Post up what takes your fancy and we'll try to advise accordingly.

  • Thank you both

    Am I right in thinking if I buy a box from world of satellite I know it won't be a clone and in which case I couldn't brick it by making silly mistakes again?

  • If you buy a box from WOS you will be guaranteed it won't be a clone bud.... You can still brick an original though!!!! If your not sure of anything before you do then ask on here....

    Sent from my iPhone 6s using Tapatalk


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