Error:Sci_Reset ioctl(IOCTL_SET_RESET) failed.(999:Unknown error 999) How can i fix?

  • Hi guys!!!I purchased a new box.It's a the World Vision Force 1+(mipsel).I put your oscam conf for SKY UK(FTV modality).I have a white card.(SkY UK)

    My image is openATV 5.1.I get this error:

    2016/02/11 11:07:45   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Error:Sci_Reset ioctl(IOCTL_SET_RESET) failed.(999:Unknown error 999)
    2016/02/11 11:07:45   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Deactivating card
    2016/02/11 11:07:46   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Error:Sci_Reset ioctl(IOCTL_SET_RESET) failed.(999:Unknown error 999)
    2016/02/11 11:07:46   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Deactivating card
    2016/02/11 11:07:48   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Error:Sci_Reset ioctl(IOCTL_SET_RESET) failed.(999:Unknown error 999)
    2016/02/11 11:07:48   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Deactivating card
    2016/02/11 11:07:49   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Error:Sci_Reset ioctl(IOCTL_SET_RESET) failed.(999:Unknown error 999)
    2016/02/11 11:07:49   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Deactivating card
    2016/02/11 11:07:51   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Error:Sci_Reset ioctl(IOCTL_SET_RESET) failed.(999:Unknown error 999)
    2016/02/11 11:07:51   554930 r   (reader) skyuk [internal] Deactivating card

    My oscam is enigma2-plugin-cams-oscam-svn10678-skyuk-0960_openatv_all.ipk

    I changed 0960 to 0963(white card)It doesn't work!Hw can i fix it?THX in advance!

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