OSCam/CCcam Auto Install Scripts Version1 20.01.2012 By Silverfox0786

There are 61 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 21,824 times. The last Post () by silverfox0786.

  • Finally got my Finger out and present Version 1

    please report bugs and other things here

    Release Note

    Here is a brilliant script for installed the full works OScam & CCcam server on an Ubuntu x86 Install

    This package consists of OScam 6180 and CCcam 2.13

    This package is CCcam.x86 and standard smargo cfg and OScamx86 will standard CFG for smargo and pre setup to work as CCCAM, Newcamd and Camd35 servers

    As an added bonus i have also put into the install the option to address and add a fixed ip address to the server and also symlinks so when you ftp into the server you will go to home as standard and will find little symlinks sitting there taking to to logs binarys and configs

    So first things first if not already done so download and install Ubuntu x86 10.10
    get it from here


    for a USB Stick install download pendrive linux from here


    whilst that is downloading/installing you will need to do a few things before you can begin

    you will need to open up in text editor the serverinstall.sh file then within the linux_softcam_pack folder open LogCleanUp.sh and configupdate.sh [that's 3 script files]
    at the top ish of the script you will see OWNER=card change card to the username of your system install that is on all 3 script files
    decide on a fixed IP address you want to use keep it in mind
    Now open up folder within linux_softcam_pack called www
    Now open in text editor config.php
    There you will see and IP address 192.168.x.x change the x to the ip address you decided on
    the bottom line you will see a password xxx change that to your liking

    now that's all done you are ready to go. Place the extracted ubuntu_cccam_package folder and the UbuntuInstall.sh into root/tmp/
    you must log into root via sudo -I as bellow
    open telnet session

    card@ubuntu:~$ sudo -I
    [sudo] password for ubuntu: >fill in your password.<
    root@ubuntu:~# chmod 755 /tmp/serverinstall.sh
    root@ubuntu:~# /tmp/serverinstall.sh

    might sound crazy but that's it just let it run

    Say yes to everything and proftpd as standalone

    Set yr IPs here now carefully

    your pc will auto restart once done then that's it all is well you will find all relevant items installed and oscam & cccam running

    plug in yr smargo reader without card and perform in telnet

    card@ubuntu:~$ lsusb

    look for an output similar to this

    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC


    card@ubuntu:~$ dmesg

    look for an output similar to this

    [   23.529481] usb 2-2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

    This means smargo is all working then just configure your config file so it will actually read the card your gonna use

    Now to explain the cronjobs that are added

    CCcam/OScam shuts down at 5:55 AM allowing for the jobs bellow
    The users/peers/server are backed up at 5.56 AM in /var/cccamlogs
    When you want to change the config it can be done ones a day and its automatic at 5:57 AM just place new config file in folder var/config. A backup of your old config will be placed in var/backup
    keyupdate ones a night at 5:58 AM
    Then CCcam starts again at 5:59 AM

    This server checks CCcam every 6 min with a check script, and when it has to restart
    it writes a log named CCcam.check in /var/cccamlog
    and it starts CCcam in debug and writes the a CCcam.log
    This can create big logs that's why there is also a log cleanup script that cleans the logs ones a week. at 06:05 AM

    please do not change any setting or times on the cron tasks they must remain as they are or you will suffer server problems and Oscam/CCcam will be out of sync and will not run correctly a 6 min check interval and a 5 min task cronjob will keep in sync so Oscam/CCCam will check at 5:54 AM At 5:55 AM CCcam will stop Allcronjobs will take place and Oscam/CCcam will restart at 5:59 AM and next check will be at 6:00 AM so the cron job must complete within the check time frame. or it will report as CCcam not working and everything will crash. then a weekly cleanup at 6:05 AM and another check at 6:06 AM

    CCaminfo.php by TooGoody v1.02

    This every one should know what it is and what it does

    To use it open up firefox and type in the IP of your Server the password you set in config.php and away you go you can see all your server details in one swoop

    on any machine on yr local network you can open up any Internet browser and type the IP of your server and you will get the CCcaminfo page open up

    Once this all configured u will never realy have to ever attach it to a keyboard,mouse or monitor...

    SHH/Telnet and ftp will work straight off just use yr machine username and password and if u wanna go one more step then set up remote desktop on Ubuntu and use realVNC to access its DestopGUI :thumbsup:

  • Just wanted to let you know guys

    the CCcam Check script before didnt work i rewrote that
    the OScamcheck Script didnt even exist anywhere so i made that from scratch
    the logclean up script didn't do anything much and i made it to clean the lot CCcam and OScam
    the camupdate was ok but needed tweeking to make it better and more efficiant

    and the buildscript itself was a nightmare getting it to run that many tasks all in one hit

    basically if you add yr own cam binarys and configs files and run this script on a clean install when the box restarts you will find that no more is needed and the server will be running

    i never backup my server now as i dont need to

    i do a clean ubuntu install run this script and when it restarts it all running

    i hardly get my mates calling me saying my server is down as it only takes me harlf an hour to install from scratch ubuntu and the server and have it running

    so guys enjoy

    and duw to this being a rewrite of my optimized script for my machine if i cocked up anywhere or missed something please do let me know

  • just install this script all all went well the only BUG i found is that cccam dont start 1st time after restart you have to wait for the cccam.check to find it not running then it will reboot cccam and all will run fine?? but oscam works 100% 1st time every time

    thanks dvdman

  • my bad didnt realise the link had changed

    just install this script all all went well the only BUG i found is that cccam dont start 1st time after restart you have to wait for the cccam.check to find it not running then it will reboot cccam and all will run fine?? but oscam works 100% 1st time every time

    thanks dvdman

    not sure why you get that as my cccam starts first time according to the rc.local

    i will look into that and see why this is

  • i did all the updates from Ubuntu would this make any diffidents? i i have just reinstalled tho whole thing with no updates and CCCAM DONT START 1st time but oscam dose
    this is what i get from cccam

    Tue Jan 24 18:30:02 GMT 2012: Couldn't find CCcam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary
    Tue Jan 24 18:36:01 GMT 2012: CCCam is running, now checking if it is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 18:36:01 GMT 2012: CCCam is responding like it should

    this is oscam

    ue Jan 24 18:30:02 GMT 2012: Oscam is running, now checking if it is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 18:30:02 GMT 2012: Oscam is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 18:36:01 GMT 2012: Oscam is running, now checking if it is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 18:36:01 GMT 2012: Oscam is responding like it should

    Also just running test card mtv with just me as test peer and cccam crash look at log there is a bug with cccam?? cccam only runs for 12min!!! then crash

    Tue Jan 24 18:42:01 GMT 2012: CCCam is running, now checking if it is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 18:42:01 GMT 2012: CCCam is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 18:48:01 GMT 2012: CCCam is running, now checking if it is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 18:48:01 GMT 2012: CCCam is frozen, Restarting...
    Tue Jan 24 18:48:01 GMT 2012: Stopping CCCam
    Tue Jan 24 18:48:02 GMT 2012: Starting CCCam
    Tue Jan 24 18:54:01 GMT 2012: CCCam is running, now checking if it is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 18:54:01 GMT 2012: CCCam is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 19:00:02 GMT 2012: CCCam is running, now checking if it is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 19:00 :02 GMT 2012: CCCam is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 19:06 :01 GMT 2012: CCCam is running, now checking if it is responding like it should
    Tue Jan 24 19:06 :01 GMT 2012: CCCam is responding like it should

  • here is my logfile for last 2hrs mate hope it can help you

  • hi guys

    i see a few probs above
    has any1 else used this tut with succession ??
    im just this second installing 10.10 as this tut states :)
    i hope it runs ok for me :)


  • ok update

    i dunno whats going on

    but ive installed unbunto 10.10 as stated above.

    i have copied the files over to /var/tmp/

    i do sudo -i
    logs me in as rooat@dave
    dave being my username i believe

    so when i run the chmod its saying file not found ?!?!?!

    any ideas its driving me crazy


    • Official Post

    My guess is you are editing the install sh file with word pad or similar, start again with fresh install file & this time edit using DCC, If you do not use a proper editor it can change the text format and the file is not reconised. I can remember doing exactly the same myself.

  • My guess is you are editing the install sh file with word pad or similar, start again with fresh install file & this time edit using DCC, If you do not use a proper editor it can change the text format and the file is not reconised. I can remember doing exactly the same myself.

    as 10B says if you edit the file especially in wordpad or notepad you will get issues

    so far notepad++ works well or similar

    even gedit will give issues

    this is down to the line endings in the file

    they must be unix line ending

    the files i have posed are all unix line ended so should be fine but if you open and even save without editing that can sorrupt the line endings

    im not sure of these errors people are getting as this script was written by me over a tear ago and tweeked over the months and the amount of times i have reinstalled using it is crazy

    so im pretty sure the script is good

    oh and @ DVDMAN if your gonna post stuff please make yr own thread and not hughjack others
    its disrespectfull

  • Look at the end of the day i was just trying to help by posting the logs files to help you!!!
    and was helping dave11674 by saying if you want a install that works then use Automated Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install Package For Debian 6

    dont want to step on any ones feet but why wast time!! i do love your work just buggy at the min

    thanks dvdman

  • it runs a dream for me i and im not just saying that as im the auther

    infact i made this script to make my own live easier as i need to reflash and like to reflash my server once a month keeps my server clean and fast

    i also did a change to my own server since this and that is i installed Ubuntu 10.10 Server edition and log in with pure SSH

    its so much better as the GUI ate at teh memory and VPU now it dont as there is no QUI

  • Hi

    Just run the install on an Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.10
    1: got sintax errors when I run the script
    / bin / sh ^ M: bad interpreter:
    Run fine after a trip through dos2unix Utillity

    2: Even after 3 reboot CCCAM DONT START?

    And this applies to both versions.
    When I take it on the web as follows:
    Update failed: Unable to connect to

    Are there any suggestions quote Cccam?

    Otherwise it works :feel_good:

    • Official Post

    See post #12, i have not tested silverfox's but his word it works perfectly is good enough for me. I have tested the other scripts and found no errors with these.

  • See post #12, i have not tested silverfox's but his word it works perfectly is good enough for me. I have tested the other scripts and found no errors with these.

    But it dont work ive tested this 5 times and if you do get cccam to run it just crash after 16mins there is big problams with this script


  • you will need to open up in text editor the serverinstall.sh file then within the linux_softcam_pack folder open LogCleanUp.sh and configupdate.sh [that's 3 script files]
    at the top ish of the script you will see OWNER=card change card to the username of your system install that is on all 3 script files
    decide on a fixed IP address you want to use keep it in mind
    Now open up folder within linux_softcam_pack called www
    Now open in text editor config.php
    There you will see and IP address 192.168.x.x change the x to the ip address you decided on
    the bottom line you will see a password xxx change that to your liking

    now that's all done you are ready to go. Place the extracted ubuntu_cccam_package folder and the UbuntuInstall.sh into root/tmp/
    you must log into root via sudo -I as bellow
    open telnet session

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