Help with my Zgemma star h1

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  • Hi ppl I got recomened this site from a few users and they said you's might be able to help with my dilemma, basicly my zgemma box got stuck on boot, I have managed to retrieve my lines for my sky and virgin and have saved them onto my desktop. i have managed to flash the box with openvix after hours trying different usb stick's, can any1 point me in the right direction to get my virgin and sky back on the box as I have failed after hours of trying, or do you no wot build I have to load

    Any help would be much appreciated

  • I wrote a long step by step tutorial a while back to set things up with zgemma boxes..i have cut out from where you will need to get going...Stick a HD or usb stick for epg and so on and start from here...even though its for vm I'm sure once you got vm going you will know exactly what do do for sly...start with vermin first...

    5: go to menu>>>setup>>>system>>>storageDevices>>>initialis ation>>>Select your drive>>>Red to initialise>>>> Exit all

    6: Menu>>>Setup>>>Vix>>>Swap File Manager>>>Press Blue to create 256MB>>>>long Wait>>>Press yellow to auto start>>>Press Green to Start>>>Press red to close>>>exit all

    7: hold power button for 3 secs and select restart

    This is the part you need to do first befere searching for services.... download file zilla and install it

    8 download the cam files in which your lines will go this will take your N line from the link below also download another file that will come in handy later aswell from 2nd link

    9: there will be 2 files in there when you extract mgcamfiles...MG_cfg and newcamd.list......The one we want to put our line in is Newcamd.List, So open it up and there will be 2 lines in there that will read

    CWS = 12000 user-10980 168248 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    CWS = 10100 user-7321 1285612 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    10: delete the bottom line completely and then the remaining line delete after CWS = , so are left with CWS = only

    11: now add your line to this line so it reads CWS = port user password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    12: once done save it by closing

    13: now to get this line onto the box we will ftp it using out file zilla program we downloaded and installed earlier but before we do we need to connect box to our router

    14: we will use lan cable connection for this bit as its easier so go to menu>>>setup>>>System>>>Network>>>DeviceSetup>>>Ad apterSettings>>>

    as you have no wifi plugged in there should only be on selection and that wil be lan and you will already be in it.

    Make sure use interface reads = Yes
    Use DHCP = Yes

    make note of I.P address

    15: open up file zilla and in the ip section type your i.p in user type root and leave pasword blank in port put in 21 or leave empty and click quick connect

    16: once connected you will see all the folders on your box in the right hand side of the program

    17: browse to usr and then keys and drag those 2 files from mgcames folder we extracted earlier and added our line to earlier (MG_cfg and newcamd.list) to this folder if there are same 2 files already present you will be asked to overwrite click yes for both. once done disconnect and close file zilla.

    18: exit out of everything and hold power button for 3 seconds and reboot box

    19: Go to menu>>>Setup>>>Service Searching>>>Tuner Configuration>>> Highlight Tuner A which is the sat tunerand siable for now as we are not using byy right arrow until it says not configured...Press green button then exit

    20: select tuner B by pressing okay and make sure config mode says enabled>>>In network ID enter your network I.D from the link below

    cable netids

    21: Used Service Scan = Provider

    22: Provider to scan = Virging Media (6952)

    23: Press green to save then red to close then red to close again

    24: Go to auto bouquets maker then providers make sure Kabel = no>>> virgin uk = yes>>>virgin uk area = Net I.D select by going left or right arrow

    25: make sure all the ther options are saying yes apart from swap channels then press green button then exit.

    26 go to automatic scan it will start scanning channels and once done press okay. you should still be in services searching menu if not go to Menu>>>Setup>>>Services searching Menu then go to auto boquet maker and start scan...once done exit all

    27: for the EPG go to Menu>>>setup>>>system>>>epg>>>settings>>> set to external HD press green button OK

    28: Go to Cross EPG>>>storage devices and set to external HD or flash not internal, GReen button ok

    29: Go to update Rytec providers and then go to update xepgdp providers and it should download your providers.

    30: go to xmltv providers and untick everything in there and make sure rytec virgin Media is ticked only and green button for save

    31: Go to open TV providers>>> Start Order and you should only have rytec virgin media in there green utton save

    32: go to download now and wait while it downloads this could take 10ish mins. Once done save if there is any save option and exit all the way out and hold pwer button on remoot for 3 secs and reboot.

    33: upon boot go to fav section by pressing fav button and select a hd or paid channel and it should clear if not

    34: press blue Button and select softcam manager

    35: make sure mgcamd 1.38 or what ever version is highlighted and ticked green

    36: press yellow button to restart and obnce it restarts your channels should clear

    Last but not least if your not happy with the Alien head boot screen and want to change that we can do that now...The 2 rar files you downloaded earlier one was named Backdrop...unrar there should be 3 files in there named


    go to file zilla client and connect as you did earlier to your receiver via its ip address...On the right hand side in your receiver folders look for USR and then Share and coppy those 3 files into the share folder and close filezilla.

    Reboot receiver and it should load with new boot screen but this can be ammended even more to your taste and for that theres a guid or 2 here on the forums.

    I did the best i could here im sure i could of gone into further deatil in other bits but for now this should be upto date and get your VM line and services working.

    I will write a seperate one for Sly which will have less steps or very similar only need a few things editing.

  • should post ye guide to forum and then link to it in threads m8 ;)
    will help more and also stop yah re-posting it to help folk :)

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • should post ye guide to forum and then link to it in threads m8 ;)
    will help more and also stop yah re-posting it to help folk :)

    I will do as i have to edit it abit will get it sorted shortly. As its a guide based on using a backup image that has alot of stuff installed it will kinda contradict and not work for someone whos installing from stratch but i will ammend and re add links to stuff and post it here

  • never used one but i know there is few on here that do ;)

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

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